John Lewis
Hopefully those who have recently bought X1900 cards and other
ATi products claiming to be "HDCP-ready" will never ever need this
feature. HDCP requires a HARDWARE decrytion-key not present
in ANY of ATi's so-called "HDCP-ready" products; there is NO
software fix. ATi conveniently omitted to pay the required license
fees and include the hardware, but still were quite happy to
advertise a non-existent feature. Seems as if ATi Marketing continue
to divorce themselves from reality, with regard to ghost product
announcements and now..... ghost features !! About time somebody
there got fired............
This is a whole lot worse than drivers tweaked for optimal benchmark
performance. Seems like a very sound basis for a class-action suit.
Looks as if ATi needs to recall and offer full refunds to any customer
unhappy with the situation.
ATI is now quietly removing all references to "HDCP-ready" from their
"literature". I would suggest that any current owners of the so-called
"HDCP-ready" products take a quick snapshot of the published
specs before the "HDCP-ready" reference disappears !!
For more detailed information on the problem, see:-
and the various linked references from this article.
John Lewis
ATi products claiming to be "HDCP-ready" will never ever need this
feature. HDCP requires a HARDWARE decrytion-key not present
in ANY of ATi's so-called "HDCP-ready" products; there is NO
software fix. ATi conveniently omitted to pay the required license
fees and include the hardware, but still were quite happy to
advertise a non-existent feature. Seems as if ATi Marketing continue
to divorce themselves from reality, with regard to ghost product
announcements and now..... ghost features !! About time somebody
there got fired............
This is a whole lot worse than drivers tweaked for optimal benchmark
performance. Seems like a very sound basis for a class-action suit.
Looks as if ATi needs to recall and offer full refunds to any customer
unhappy with the situation.
ATI is now quietly removing all references to "HDCP-ready" from their
"literature". I would suggest that any current owners of the so-called
"HDCP-ready" products take a quick snapshot of the published
specs before the "HDCP-ready" reference disappears !!
For more detailed information on the problem, see:-
and the various linked references from this article.
John Lewis