Wow - their is a non ccc driver setup available from ATI? That's good to
know. I run a x850 on 2 monitors, is CP faster than CCC, how is the
support for two monitors? I would like to end all those running apps on
my system. It always upsets me to see (what is it) 5 or 6 aps running
under task manager for CCC? I upgrade religiously, does CP keep up with
its upgrades?
.NET doesn't bother me, I had to download it for NASA World Wind, and
Google Earth. But I can't figure out why ATI wants to use this bloatware.
(Except to keep an eye on me?)
eh? google earth uses .net ?
i think you lose a few minor controls by using the CP version, not sure what
exactly, if anything at all ??
i run multi monitor no problem
ati may bin off CP complety, so don't count on it staying