Athlon XP Mobile and VIA KT-133

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Did anyone have any luck with AXP-M (Barton) in older KT-133 (not A)
boards? Particularly I am looking for a way to speed up an old MSI
K7T Pro2 that currently has Duron 750 installed. I figured out that
even though the FSB is limited to 100, the fact that mobile Barton is
not multiplier-locked may help to run it at (or with luck even above)
its rated speed. AXP-M 2500+ costs only some $20 more than the T-bird
1300 (the fastest one the board is designed to work with) and must be
at least twice as fast, even crippled with 100 MHz FSB. I know I
should also replace the motherboard, but I hate the idea of
reinstalling the operating system (and that's what probably will
happen if the board is replaced). said:
Did anyone have any luck with AXP-M (Barton) in older KT-133 (not
A) boards? Particularly I am looking for a way to speed up an old
MSI K7T Pro2 that currently has Duron 750 installed. I figured
out that even though the FSB is limited to 100, the fact that
mobile Barton is not multiplier-locked may help to run it at (or
with luck even above) its rated speed. AXP-M 2500+ costs only
some $20 more than the T-bird 1300 (the fastest one the board is
designed to work with) and must be at least twice as fast, even
crippled with 100 MHz FSB. I know I should also replace the
motherboard, but I hate the idea of reinstalling the operating
system (and that's what probably will happen if the board is

get yourselfe a babelfish or learn Russian real fast :)
Those folks simply know everything about stufing CPUs to old mobos on
this planet.
First suggestion - buy ordinary CPU, connecting one bridge on the L5
makes it mobile, no need to pay 20$ AMD for it.


Thanks for the reply.

By any chance, do you have the content of the article you mentioned
saved? Looks like the link you gave is broken. I'll take it in
Russian - no babelfish needed.

As for making the regular XP mobile, I doubt it would unlock the
multiplier, and this is the feature of XP-M that is attractive in my
case. When the bus is limited to 100, the multiplier is the only way
to somehow compensate for it. The low-power would also help since I'm
not buying that fancy copper cooler to upgrade the old clunker.
Besides, the time I'll spend trying to unlock it is worth to me more
than $20. said:
By any chance, do you have the content of the article you
mentioned saved? Looks like the link you gave is broken. I'll
take it in Russian - no babelfish needed.

Looks like is offline :(
It was not an article, it was a forum about upgrading old hardware
beyond the specs, exactly what you want to do.
I get "no route to host", but DNS entry is valid, maybe they upgrade
atm. or something.
As for making the regular XP mobile, I doubt it would unlock the

it DOES :) AMD makes one kind of XP precessors, then selects functions
by blowing up bridges on the chip (laser). L5 is responsible for
Mobility, after shortening you get all the goodies of powernow (thats
how you mangle multiplier). On the site is biospatcher - a
program capable of forcing powernow equipped processors to run on the
selected multiplier, all you got to do is to patch the bios and flash
the board. Thers no unsafety in it because biospatcher hass a fall back
procedure - it makes compressed backup copy of the bios in unused bios
chips space :) You can always boot with the old one by unpluging the
keyboard. Simply BRILIAND program. Works for me everytime. It can also
add Tualatin support to every slot1 board (you need to modify the
slotket offcourse).
Those guys are geniuses if it comes to recycling not so old and still
powerfull hardware.
and this is the feature of XP-M that is attractive in
my case.

PowerNow is what makes XP a M one, and Powernow is ALL about software
multiplier manipulation (and voltage of course).
When the bus is limited to 100, the multiplier is the
only way to somehow compensate for it. The low-power would also

Those processors eat the very same ammount of power when running.
since I'm not buying that fancy copper cooler to upgrade the
old clunker. Besides, the time I'll spend trying to unlock it is
worth to me more than $20.

well, you choose :

PS : Semptron processors will have no bridges !!! So this is the end
for AMD overclocking :(

PS2: Please, dont toppost next time and trim quotes.


Thanks for the reply.

By any chance, do you have the content of the article you mentioned
saved? Looks like the link you gave is broken. I'll take it in
Russian - no babelfish needed.

As for making the regular XP mobile, I doubt it would unlock the
multiplier, and this is the feature of XP-M that is attractive in my
case. When the bus is limited to 100, the multiplier is the only way
to somehow compensate for it. The low-power would also help since I'm
not buying that fancy copper cooler to upgrade the old clunker.
Besides, the time I'll spend trying to unlock it is worth to me more
than $20.

I thought a mobil chip was able to lower the multiplier but not raise
it? (so you run a 333FSB chip on a 400FSB and lower the multiplier)?.
Isn't that how AMD's PowerNow for the XP-M chips works, lowers and
raises the multiplier on the fly to conserve battery power?
