atdmt is very easy to get rid of. (If you know how). No need to mess with
your registry! This Microsoft marketing cookie (by atlassolutions) has an opt
out option installed on your computer but the easiest and quickest way is to
search "atdmt opt out" on Google. You will find the atdmt site at the top
of the results. Click on that and you will get the removal tool. Please note
you must not block atdmt.com in your sites list in internet options/ privacy
(if it is blocked you must allow it or the tool will not work). What happens
next is atdmt will replace the offending cookie with another which does not
function. It is as easy as that. I had 120 atdmt threats detected by AVG and
it drove me mad before I discovered this simple solution. - Dave
ps since removing atdmt I have been plagued by serving-sys tracking cookie I
am wondering if this is related in some way? A funny thing with the atdmt
cookie was I never got any other warnings on AVG except atdmt during the 2
weeks I had it.
your registry! This Microsoft marketing cookie (by atlassolutions) has an opt
out option installed on your computer but the easiest and quickest way is to
search "atdmt opt out" on Google. You will find the atdmt site at the top
of the results. Click on that and you will get the removal tool. Please note
you must not block atdmt.com in your sites list in internet options/ privacy
(if it is blocked you must allow it or the tool will not work). What happens
next is atdmt will replace the offending cookie with another which does not
function. It is as easy as that. I had 120 atdmt threats detected by AVG and
it drove me mad before I discovered this simple solution. - Dave
ps since removing atdmt I have been plagued by serving-sys tracking cookie I
am wondering if this is related in some way? A funny thing with the atdmt
cookie was I never got any other warnings on AVG except atdmt during the 2
weeks I had it.