Things are mostly in a holding pattern at the moment.
Atria is on her best behaviour,
& I am busy reading my way through her live journel,
It'a s bit whiny & self pitying & with spots of what is definitely depression & mild paranoia.
But nothing there that's outside the realms of a rather self centered & spoiled child.
Perhaps a bit much for someone who is 20yo
But not so much so that she wouldn't be able to function in society.
Personally I think she needs a course of antidepressants accompanied by some really good counselling by a really good psychologist (unfortunately not as easy to find as they should be)
Unfortunately I don't believe, based on what I've read, that she is likely to do either of these things so sooner or later is likely to start dumping on my daughter again. & what she was dumping on my daughter was much heavier than what's in her journel.
So now I just wait & watch.