The datasets can be extremely huge depending if the enduser requests a lot
of data.
of data.
I am sorry for not being complete originally.
rows = dsreportscopy.Tables(0).Rows.Count
columns = dsreportscopy.Tables(0).Columns.Count
Dim DataArray(rows, columns) As Object
For c = 0 To columns - 1
DataArray(r, c) =
For r = 0 To rows - 1
DataArray(r, c) = dsreportscopy.Tables(0).Rows(r).Item(c))
Dim splitout As String
splitout = Join(DataArray(rows, columns), " ")
I think the real judge of this will have to be scorpI did make that sample,
Will you look at it if this is what you did mean?
You can't. Stop hitting your head on the wall, wipe up the blood, put aI cannot seem to find a way to get an array of a dataset (ArrayData (r,c)
r - rows, c = columns) into a MS Word table.
band-aid on the bruise, take a deep breath, then read and think about what
we've been telling you.
Any help you would give would please me greatly.