Well you certainly can't complain that you've been having a crap year anymore then, lol
I'm a tyke we have degree's in complaining.
Well me mum nearly died in January. Then she did it for real on April. My sisters only child had a miscarriage a fortnight later. My sister is not very good with deaths so she has been a right mess. I have had to fight tooth and nail to get a carers allowance so I could look after me mum early on this year. I spent the first three months of this year commuting every weekend a 200 mile round trip. Then I have been doing the same trip almost every fortnight to look after all the stuff you have to do after a bereavement.
I drove over a double white line in January and did not see the blue meanie two cars behind me. Was overtaking a tractor and hay wagon that I had been following for ten or so miles at 15 mph.I put of the case for as long as I could and had to go to court a fortnight after me mums passing. As this infringement would make my total points 12 I thought I would loose my licence which as you can appreciate would be not a good thing in my position. I managed to talk my way to keeping my licence. However the four months of waiting were pretty stressful. Mainly as I knew that telling me mum would cause her to worry and fret a great deal. An obviously being stuck in the sticks with no wheels did not fill me with joy.
Cameron the munificent waved his wand and the effects of that have caused me no end of stress.
The place I though I would live out my days in has new landlords since April and who knows what they may do.
Due to some of the above and with probate not settled I do not wish to move right now or look for future accommodation.
I had been thinking about an electric bike for a few years and with the loss of my licence looming with almost 100% certainty. I purchased one a week before my court case. This purchase had some yet to be resolved problems, to do with extras not the bike itself initially. However a fault occurred in the forks and I have been without my bike for six weeks. I may related the awful treatment that has been doled out to me by the so called cycle experts from the shop one day. So that has been causing me quite considerable additional stress. Mainly caused by me trying to control a growing anger that has been building day by bikeless day.
The order and build within two weeks plan for my first super pc has hit the fan and I am now nearly at the end of a second no pc month.
I went to the docs to see about my left ankle, he sent me for a x-ray on my right hip. I did not have the jets to even question that decision.
I spent eight weeks taking sleeping tablets as I just could not sleep without. I tried but could not sleep without them. An the only tablets I ahve taken in the last twenty years have been my thyroxine an if I could do without them I would. I hate tablets and they do not agree with me.
Then there is the year old printer that did not on the very day I needed it.
So I recon it is going to take some time for me to de stress.
I do have the joy of looking for a new home. With all the excitement of meeting new friends in a new strange environment. More joy getting a new home in good repair and decorated. These joys seem a long way of at the moment.
Oh I forgot to mention the car problems and a whole load of on their own inconsequential mishaps and gremlins but added up and added to the above have really stretched me.