Are you a customer of Mesh Computers?

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A blatant plug for your band then involved, you be careful you dont overload your 1 brain cell!
involved said:

Go to and click on the 'involved' button. Alternatively follow this link .


Thankyou involved....... had a really good giggle.....

Meshvictim - thankyou for the tip on pcreview... joined up with them same day as this... will definately keep posting how it all pans out... although I've kind of come to a steady halt as my energy ran out with trying to get it sorted in a gunho fashion... So im taking it slow and bit by bit will see what happens...
Nothing has gone wrong with my pc in the last few days.. maybe the threat of sending it back was enough to make it rethink about its behaviour issues! Having said that probs jinxed it now... :D

Onwards and upwards as the saying goes....
I bought a Mesh Computer in Jan '06. They took an age to build it in the first place (Can't remember exactly)
December '06 graphic intensive stuff starts running slow. I contact Mesh and have to go through a long drawn out affair which involves them posting me a job number before I can return the thing. I ended up taking it in personally and they still took three weeks to fix it. This meant reformatting the hard-drive, just to replace a graphics card.

17 days ago I turn on my computer and there are 5 beeps and no display. I ring the helpline and the guy diagnoses a Graphics card or Ram. It needs to go back, or for £104 pounds I can get it repaired at home within 3 days. I pay the money and wait. 3 days later I ring them and ask whats going on, they explain that an outside company will repair the computer within 3 days of Mesh sending them the parts.......and Mesh haven't sent the parts.
11 days after the fault occurred the repair company are coming. I rang three times to try to find out a rough time but no dice. At 7.30p.m the engineer arrives and starts pulling the computer apart. He mutters that "its a rare problem" "Never seen before" diagnoses the mother board, which he hasn't got and within 20 minutes is gone ( he had 2 more jobs that day) I then start chasing for when it would be fixed.
Yesterday, I finally get an answer from Mesh, they need to take the computer back and it will take 10 working days to repair. I explain that I really need the computer and would appreciate it if they could save the data on the Hard-drive as I had some stuff that I hadn't backed up ( I know !) The engineer said that it was not company policy to recover data ( I offered to pay) . I have arranged for another local company to carry out the work, I would rather pay again than let Mesh near my Computer. I would never use them again as long as I live.
The guy from the company I have paid to sort out Mesh's problem came yesterday, he turned up when he said he would and left us with the computer temporarily working, it is either the PCI-E slot or the graphics card as when he put an AGP card in it worked. He left us with his card on loan and has taken our Graphics card for testing.

How refreshing to get proper service for once.

Mesh obviously are used to letting customers down as I gave them a rocket over a week ago and nobody has been in contact to see what my gripe is. Rest assured I will be in touch with them !
Mesh at the moment state a 5-7 day turnaround on repairs.
It however seems to be anything but this!
3 to 7 weeks is not unheard of, have Mesh improved their service??????
That is main main concern. I dare not return my computer to them as they have no sense of urgency. All my contact with them has involved several days wait until anything happens. They do not care that people need their computers. I was happy to pay a premium for them to fix the thing swiftly, but even that was too much to ask

I have contacted Mesh asking for a refund of the on-site repair money, as I have no interest in using their services anymore. I got a reply stating they are unable to refund as I have used the on-site service. That is cobblers, the bloke was 6 days late and we had to wait 11 hrs for him, he spend 20 minutes pulling graphics cards and memory out then declared it beyond his scope..........that in my opinion is not worth £104. I have the usual options of pursuing my money, otherwise I have a 2 year warranty I don't want. I will just shove the thing in the loft for 23 months then return it for repair .
A Mesh warranty is for a few months not for a few years!

My Mesh pc is getting an over haul in a months time.
Total cost will be £160, doing it myself with a hand from a friend.
The job will be done properly & all within 2 hours.

My warranty has 8 months to run, but in my view is worthless. Mesh turnaround is anything from 2 to 10 weeks depending on which forum you look at on the net that has many threads about the sh1te service offered my Mesh.

I really dont think Mesh care, if they did they would offer a better service.
I'm not going to post here what i think of them as it would only get Mr Ian a letter from Mesh.
Mesh Computer Advice

Hi all

Read the old reviews I dunno if Mesh have generally a good service now.

But I bought my Mesh computer in Feb 2005 and generally overall satisfied with their service. They even ran out of the motherboard I ordered and upgraded it to a better motherboard.

Ive had 2 faults within the space of 2 years, 1 being the HD, and 1 being the fan, and they where fixed at a reasonable time with the warranty being covered.

Technical support was expensive and its a lucky draw if you get someone that knows their stuff, but I think this is like any company you speak of, and I know far worse technical support than this one.

Now my problem now is that one of my DVD writers have packed up, I could have easily replaced this and had already bought the x2 DVD Drives £40, but Mesh computers have built the case back to front i.e I can't access the DVD Writers through the open hatch and the other end is sealed tight. This just looks like leaching to existing customers and expecting customers to phone them even if its a simple problem. Anybody experienced this? and did you phone Mesh with this problem and did you get a good resolution?

I am going to phone them after the Christmas and hopefully get this simple problem sorted and ask for a new case where I can access the components. I mean how hard is it to design a case where you can access the components easy eh!

It is sadly the luck of the draw with Mesh to see if you get someone who is helpful or not.
If it's still under warranty then i suggest you contact (e-mail address removed)
He (Davey) seems to do a good job & people i know that have contacted him have good things to say about him.
That said Mesh do seem to have some cases that are difficult to get into!

chungiemo, please post back with any updates or how things come along

I’ve just found this thread and can’t believe what I’ve been reading. I’ve bought THREE computers from Mesh over the past ten years and all of them were delivered on the promised day and have given excellent almost trouble free service. I did have a bit of a problem with the second one but I got through to customer service quickly they were polite and helpful and referred me to tech support who solved my problem over the phone. IMHO this thread gives a totally misleading impression of Mesh. Just look at some of the people who are slagging Mesh off, like MeshVictim, who describes himself as “a sad old git”. But I ask you what sort of sad old git makes 173!!!! posts about Mesh just because he had a bit of a problem with them? You want to get a life MeshVictim! What you and others like you don’t realise is that every day thousands of people up and down the country have problems with retailers. That’s life you just sort it out and put it behind you and move on. It doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with the retailer. Mesh sell tens of thousands of computers every year so there are bound to be a few customers who are not satisfied but they are just a very small percentage. All retailers have disgruntled customers and those who have a bad experience are far more likely to post on forums than those who are happy. I’m sure there is nothing wrong with Mesh customer service or tech support. People reading this thread should bear in mind that Mesh are a big successful company whose reputation is being tarnished by a very small number of persistent whingers like MeshVictim who are waging a vendetta against Mesh just because they had a bit of a problem with them.

Suzie123 said:
IMHO this thread gives a totally misleading impression of Mesh. Reputation is being tarnished by a very small number of persistent whingers like MeshVictim who are waging a vendetta against Mesh just because they had a bit of a problem with them.


I suggest Suzie123 you do a google search of Mesh and see what else is written.
You obviously have not done any research on this matter as if you had you would know that Mesh have complaints on practicaly every other forum to do with pc's.

As for you comments about other members, for someone so new to be slagging off other people thats a bit cheap!

Your IP Address was logged when you signed on, wonder if it traces you back to Mesh.;)
So a 1 post wonder from Suzie123 who seems not to have visited any search engines & tapped in mesh computers, if you had you would get pages after pages of what kind of service Mesh give to their customers.

This is the same Mesh that appeared on BBC Watchdog earlier this year because of their appalling customer service & support to their customers.

You lady are talking out of you rear!

I suggest you go and sign up with a few other forums and see what else is written about Mesh.

And IF you had read what is in any of the other 391 posts you would find that most customers of Mesh want what they paid for. A working pc that does not break down, able to get their pc fixed and above all a decent level of customer service & support from Mesh that often is not forthcoming!
SuzieQ said:
Just because they had a bit of a problem with them...


Looks like Mesh are desperate to drum up a few Christmas sales as the great British Public are gradually waking up to their less than perfect trading record.

Nice try Suzie :lol:
floppybootstomp said:

Looks like Mesh are desperate to drum up a few Christmas sales as the great British Public are gradually waking up to their less than perfect trading record.

Nice try Suzie
Once in a while it seems from Suzi's post Mesh get it right.
Sadly no one on this thread has found it to be case yet!
murdoch said:
Once in a while it seems from Suzi's post Mesh get it right.
Sadly no one on this thread has found it to be case yet!

Oh how I wish I'd found this site before I made the biggest mistake in years by paying Mesh computers for a dud machine and then waiting nearly 6 weeks for a refund which I still don't have...this is criminal.

:mad: :mad: :mad:
alistair® if you bought on a credit card you could speak to them?
If not then either Consumer Direct or BBC Watchdog?
murdoch said:
alistair® if you bought on a credit card you could speak to them?
If not then either Consumer Direct or BBC Watchdog?

Yes, if only I had realized that. Bought on debit card like a fool. Trading Standards are supposed to be ringing me today or tomorrow. I've never experienced trauma like this from an online seller. It is an outrage.
Please post back as it's always helpful to hear how things are coming along.:thumb:
murdoch said:
Please post back as it's always helpful to hear how things are coming along.:thumb:

Thanks, you guys are great. I'm so disillusioned with it that it's nice to come on here and bitch in some good company...!

I'm having an e-mail barney with someone called Davey, but am still getting nowhere. I asked for a refund, in writing, on the 14 November after my machine arrived on the 12th and wouldn't even reach the BIOS screen. Mesh confirmed they had received the written request, but it still took 2 weeks for them to come and collect the machine. Yet another 2 weeks passed before I had to ring them myself and ask why it was almost a month since I asked for my money back. To my utter amazement Mesh had took it upon themselves to "examine" the machine and subsequently decide it was perfectly fit for purpose!! I can't tell you how angry I was with that. For starters an IT professional at my employers examined the machine and checked for loose connections as instructed by Mesh and found nothing. After 20 mins he was certain it was a serious problem, probably motherboard. But all of this aside, under Distance Selling laws if I ask for a refund in writing a reason does not even have to be given.

Here I am almost at Christmas with NO MESH MACHINE and £450 out of pocket. It should be an open and shut case, yet despite how clearly in the right I am they STILL refuse to refund me and want to send the machine back here. It's exasperating. They are now saying I didn't expressly state in my written request that I wanted a refund under Distance Selling laws. Surely that's nonsense? Nobody on the phone told me I had to phrase it a certain way? Surely the written request within the 7 day cooling off period is enough in itself???
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