No It does not..
For large capacity storage Blu-Ray hard coated is aimed at displacing
DVD. It requires little rework of the juke boxes. Vis., CDR DVD Blu-
Ray genetically compatible disc handling. For archive Blu-Ray
Panasonic are pushing Blu-Ray ADA, an interesting although costly
And Archival Disks 80-100 years made by many companies , Kodak, Emtec
and Mitsui
I am aware of the discs, but a problem is the quality of the drives.
Even now I can pick up a DVD-RAM drive from LG where #1 drive I bought
in November writes quickly & smoothly, but #2 drive is spinning up and
down all the time and took 5hrs to write a disc. The disc was the
The technology in CDR/DVD/DVD-RAM/Blu-Ray is not as robust as MOD.
The cased DVD-RAM is used by the Medical industry for Data back up as
its rated for 100Years.
Type 4 cartridge & phase-change media makes a difference, but DVD-RAM
has a far lower overwrite figure than MOD.
Every time someone says "rated for 100yrs" the drives go off the
market within about 10-15. Even MOD 3.5" is down to one maker (Konica
Minolta) and Plasmon UDO did not last long.
The market simply pushes technology out, bottom line is use more than
one technology and realise a "one solution forever" does not really