muckshifter said:
You is gonna need more than that ...
You'll have to install 250gb of antispy-antitrojan-antiworm-antims software.
Would have been better to install Linux on a mac ....
Yeah, my ex teaches 3rd yr comp sci at the uni. he has to teach it all obviously, but by choice he will always use linux software on mac hardware.
I was just quizzing him yesturday to get some info on windows systems cos I want to buy a windows Lappy for John. Thought I had found some nice sounding machines with similar specs to my G4 ibook but selling much cheaper than the G4's are selling on the same site (this is second hand stuff)
But now Raymond is telling me that it's not that easy & although the listed speed is the same, because of the differences in the structure of the chip etc (he went into a lot of techy-geek-speak here sorry so it all just went straight over my head) that the 1.whatever Ghz PC I was looking at actually runs slower than an 800mhz mac I had passed over which was selling at a similar price. i always thought a ghz was a ghz but he tells me no. The two systems are not comparable in this area & that's the bigest mistake most people make when 'comparing' the machines (why couldn't they just go & use a different lingo then?)
So now I'm thoughroughly confused & reading up all the tech specs on the PC's is driving me potty. I need a bloody translation dictionary for this i reckon. Can someone confirm for me... I'm looking for wireless... is WIFI the same as having airport? & with macs either you have Airport/airport extreeme & run wireless, or Lan & you need to plug the bugga in. Seems straightforward to me. So where does "wireless Lan" come into it all? I thought it must just be PC speak for wireless but i thought I'd double check & ask... better to look a dork than waste my money... & the guy says no, it doesn't have wireless?

So, am I nuts? Or is he? But I've seen the term used on adds for several PC's.
When it comes to computer specs I aint no expert, but I know enough (when it comes to macs) that when i go shopping I know what i want & i know what to look for & in general I know what they mean when they list the specs etc. It's all pretty straightforward after all.
But when it comes to PC's it's like entering a quagmire with ton's of different brands making the same parts but each one better or worse or faster or slower or hungrier or whatever than the others. & if you don't know what you're doing you can walk out with a very expensive lemon that might look like a ferrari but's got less guts than a kid's pedal car.
I definitely need help here. In particular I need to know WHAT NOT TO GET.
I've been checking other recent threads & scanning info but much of it assumes a basic background that I just dont have. I've used other people PC's when I've had to, but I've never owned one & know jack sh*t about them. Are there any particular brands or makes that I should stay away from? Anything specific that I should watch out for & avoid? I know you can't come shopping with me but if you could give me any advice to help me avoid making to many mistakes it would be particularly apreciated.
Especially when it comes to the really obvious stuff any PC user would know... the "stay away from such & such they're rubbish" sort of stuff.
(like if you're a mac user you would know to stay the h*ll away from the early Apple Tower computers... they were a joke & a half put together out of mechano, lego & chewwing gum, by some guy's kid on a rainy night when the Telly was down

If he had the money I think I would just get John a mac because at least then I know what I'm getting. But money is very tight so I'm trying to get the best I can for what I've got so any help is very welcome.
By the way mucks, I loved the video clip

definitely gotta show that one to Raymond next time I see him. I spent most of the flim PMSL thinking "so why the h*ll didn't he just...

" it was hilarious, I especially liked the bit about the anchor

Reckon John's going to need one of them for his boat when he gets it going