Apple Macs


Jun 1, 2005
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I've been pondering lately about apple macs. I really like the iMac but I'm not very fimilar with them. Does anyone have one? how do you find them compared to PCs? and what difficulties do you have being on a mac? I'm a computing university student doing computer science, so I'm thinking a PC will much better suit my needs, or am I wrong?
I think if you are doing a computing course then a PC will be the best choice, as the uni will almost certainly use them and you will be able to use the same software/files at home. I don't think I would be able to use a Mac for my uni course, as lots of the software we are given to use is PC specific.

Macs are really easy to use, look better and can run some things much better. I know loads of people that much prefer a Mac over a PC any day. If you do loads of graphics work or just like the usability better, then a Mac is a good choice. I'm sure someone here will have more experience than I do, so will be able to tell you a bit more :)
Considering I will be doing things like coding and C++ programming I think a PC is a better choice. Macs still appeal to me alot, shame I don't have enough money for both :)
I have to support 35+ mac users here at work. There used in a publishing environment to create books and mags using Indesign CS etc...etc...
They are nice machines to work with when all is running ok. Thing is when there are hardware issues etc it is very costly to repair. Unlike PC's where parts are widely available.
Nowaday's PC's can handle what mac's can do. Maybe a few years ago mac's were the leading platform for graphic and design stuff.
A couple years ago we compared costs with macs' and pc's and we could of made a substantial longterm saving but because the users have been using macs from day 1 they wouldn't go for it. Come to think of it there bad enough with 1 mouse button let alone giving them an extra one to mess about with :D.
My day to day work machine is a PC but also have a couple macs to play with ;) My home machine is also a PC as I couldn't afford what apple charge for there hardware and probably wouldn't get one if I could afford it.
You pay's your money you takes your choice!


Overpriced, underpowered and people thinking they handle graphics better is a myth.

It was true in early days of Macs, but no longer. A good PC with good software can handle anything a Mac can do and more.

Hi everyone,

Macs, are not only far superior in design (John Ive got an MBE (or CBE) in this years Honours). He's a Brit, he designed the G3 iMac and the G4 iMac, and had most of the design say in the G5 iMac.
The Mac Mini, built by using laptop parts, is the smallest desktop computer produced today.
Their design software is far by far by far superior to anything offered by windows/M$ producers. iTunes, iPods, iLife are all reasonable additions. You can even get a Mac to run windows, but you can't get a windows PC to run a Mac O-system!
Mostly though, they are famous for NOT needing any virus protection.

This place gives a comprehensive viewing on all apple/Mac computers, dates they went in to production, then ceased etc, etc.,

I have nothing against windows PC's, they are also very good, I just happen to think that Mac's are better!
old men and gadgets,

Rob from Thanet.
Sorry ... My "Linux PC" will run any Mac/Windows in circles.

Each to their own. ;)
Apple systems?

If they weren't so expensive they would actually be a viable alternative.

But, to my mind, it's style over content.

Most DO look kinda gorgeous though, must admit :)
my sister has an ibook, and it looks the dogs ******** to be honest. My dad started buying macs in 1990, and by 1994 he had owned 5. We used macs until he ran off with all our money because he was a conman, and therefore could not afford a mac when we had to replace the aging imac g3.

in my opinion, macs are a far supirior architecture and the like. They are more innovative and impressive than their pc couterparts, but i suppose you get what you pay for, and for me a £2000 system that can't play many games is not a good investment.

windows vista has stolen every single idea from linux & mac.
my mates got one of these

he seems to have started a craze!

i coulndt even blady use the mouse cursor properly
its really strange actually

does look gorgeous Flopps u are right on that one!
definetly overpriced aswell!
I'd rather have a Mini with a Ferrari Engine than a Ferrari with a Mini engine...:D
crazylegs said:
I'd rather have a Mini with a Ferrari Engine than a Ferrari with a Mini engine...:D
I'll take the Mini with a Mini engine. :thumb:

muckshifter said:
I'll take the Mini with a Mini engine. :thumb:

In that case I'll have the Ferrari with the Ferrari engine then...:p
I personally like Apple Mac's over computers, i used them all the time when i was working for a Computer Firm back in the summer and i got on well with them.

Took me a day to get to grips fully with everything, the thing which annoys me most is the Apple Laptop's, as when they crash you have to remove the soddin battery to get the things to turn off...

But the Dual Processor G5's are the dogs... i wouldn't mind a Apple Mac Mini here to replace my PC, and i probably will do that in the next year or so, need to get myself a decent job after college though :)
Mac 'n' Chips

Hi everyone!

As of Monday 9th January 2006, Apple Mac have started to issue their PC's
with intel chips.(till now they have used only IBM chips).
This is a spectacular developement. You can get all the new spec at the appleshop.

To begin with the intel chips will be fitted only to MacBook Pro and the G5 iMac.
Just check the comparisons before you buy your next computer. The G5 TowerPower (PowerMac) is expensive, but the others are equally comparable to any Windoze PC. Personally, I don't think that they cost more than a conventional PC.
I still say, that Mac OS X, is far more advanced than the XP's (it's certainly much faster). With the new Dual Core sysytems, it'll make streaming and ripping, a far greater pleasure!

No, I do not work for apple, I just know they are the best ever!
I've never understood the attraction to Macs, unless it's to firmly poke one's middle digit straight into Bill Gates' eye ;)

And an Intel chip is a step forward? :D

Still, I suppose we should be grateful for at least having some competition.

I actually reckon, with some Linux distros the way they are now, an IBM-based PC running Linux is the best bet.

Still a few driver issues to sort out and twisting a few Games Developer's arms to make Linux versions of their games, but distros like Suse are getting there, most definitely.

And all the software you need is 99% free. Gimp and Open Office do everything I need that I used MS Office and Photoshop for. And they don't cost a penny.

I will agree that Microsoft have ripped off a lot of Mac & Linux ideas, Windows 3.1 was a direct rip-off of the early Mac GUI-based system.

Dunno, still too expensive, elitist and nerdy for me ;)
think about it though

given a choice, and if more developers made mac software, if a mac was the same price as a pc i reckon everyone would buy apples, even if it was just to undo bill gates' evil work :D