I've never understood the attraction to Macs, unless it's to firmly poke one's middle digit straight into Bill Gates' eye
And an Intel chip is a step forward?
Still, I suppose we should be grateful for at least having some competition.
I actually reckon, with some Linux distros the way they are now, an IBM-based PC running Linux is the best bet.
Still a few driver issues to sort out and twisting a few Games Developer's arms to make Linux versions of their games, but distros like Suse are getting there, most definitely.
And all the software you need is 99% free. Gimp and Open Office do everything I need that I used MS Office and Photoshop for. And they don't cost a penny.
I will agree that Microsoft have ripped off a lot of Mac & Linux ideas, Windows 3.1 was a direct rip-off of the early Mac GUI-based system.
Dunno, still too expensive, elitist and nerdy for me