Hi Tim,
I am glad my sample code makes sence to you.
I also took notice of the datagrid's default navigation behavior in the
first column first row and last column last row.
In my personal feeling, I think your new way of design feels more

Anyhow, your program finally works, enjoy it.
Have a nice day.
Best regards,
Jeffrey Tan
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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| From: (e-mail address removed) (Tim Frawley)
| Newsgroups: microsoft.public.dotnet.languages.vb
| Subject: Re: Anyone know how to capture a Shift+Tab in the KeyPress event?
| Date: 23 Oct 2003 12:46:55 -0700
| Organization:
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| Jeffrey,
| Thank you for the information. You are right, the grid does normally
| respond to the tab key as well as shift tab for navigation. I have
| utilized your code example for the following parts of the grid
| navigation that where not supported.
| When the user is on the first row, first column of the datagrid and
| they press Shift+Tab they will navigate to the control prior to the
| grid. My code to allow tabbing out of the control when on the first
| row, first col would have acted as a Tab because I could not properly
| detect a Shift+Tab in the KeyPress event. Your override method gave
| me the ability to test for that condition and handle it appropriately.
| When the user is on the last row, last column of the grid and they
| press Tab they will navigate to the next control rather than having to
| hit CTRL+Tab. Also, if the user is on the last row, last column if
| they hit Shift+Tab they will navigate backwards. My code to allow
| tabbing out of the control when on the last row, last col would have
| jumped them to the next control because I could not properly detect
| the Shift+Tab in the KeyPress event. Your override method gave me the
| ability to test for that condition and handle it appropriately.
| Other than these override conditions for tabbing in and out of the
| control the normal navigation of the grid is left 'as is'.
| Your help is much appreciated. Thank you!
| And to everyone who posted on this request, thank you! Your insights
| have been very useful!
| Sincerely,
| Tim Frawley