The file first started appearing, on the desktop, after
installation of an MS update back in March, or April.
After applying the update from the next month, it
started appearing in the root directory instead.
The file is supposed to be C:\Correct\Path\filename~.wab (or is that
C:\Correct\Path\~filename.wab) but due to a fundamental screw-up,
becomes {current\path}~{.} instead - i.e. either proper name and
path never populate the buffer, or the buffer isn't pointed to by what
appends the ~ to it before using that as the file spec.
With coding like that getting into the wild (and remaining unfixed for
what, how many months later?) it's no wonder we have an endless
barrage of "unchecked buffer" screwups from MS.
Meantime, we have OE throwing a nice known-name file full of useful
information around several guessable locations. And we are told not
to worry about this, it's "harmless", and MS is working on it.
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Error Messages Are Your Friends