Rod Speed
x0054 said:x0054 said:[cut]
Raid0 is pointless though, like every one pointed out, no real
reason to run raid0, unless you really really need a gigantic
drive to store something like a raw film scan or NSA phone
call DB
Pointless even for that. And only fools do raw video anymore.
Only fools edit there own video or put out films, right?
Didnt say that. RAW video as opposed to avis etc.
If you are cutting a film you will have dozens of hours of
uncompressed MPEG
Thats not RAW.
or RAW film
Hardly anyone bothers with film anymore.
and you need to play with it to cut it together. You can
not compress video properly till you get it all cut up.
Hence RAID0 is useful if you need gigantic
disk size and have really big files.
Nope, non RAW video doesnt need the bandwidth.
Raid5 is very very slow for writing data to disk, at least on
slower PCs. And in many case you can get 2 larger disks
cheaper then 3 disks half that size. And you do not get easy
backup benefit of Raid1.
Just my 2 cents,
I wanna refund.
I'll get right on that
I agree, I have no idea what the OP's situation is, thus my post
asking to verify it. But my raw video argument for RAID0 holds
No it doesnt.
Average movie that you could print to film (as to be able to sell
it or play in a theater), will run in the 40-80GB range
Only a fool has that RAW format on their hard drive today.
and don't forget 40 hours or so of crap footage that
you need to cut. For that situation RAID0 is useful.
Nope, not if you arent stupid enough to store it RAW.You do not compress video before you print it to film!
Hardly anyone bothers with film anymore with personal desktop
Not, film, film quality footage witch can be digital but needs to be at
8 megapixels or more to look right on a large screen (theater screen).
Unlikely to be RAW, much more likely to be HDTV etc.
Yes I do!
No you dont!!
Why not, perhaps the OP is trying to brake into film business.
Unlikely. Even porn is usually pretty mediocre quality, DVD quality is fine.
You do not know that he or she isn't.
I do know that its unlikely.
And even if not, I simply pointed out that RAID0 is useful if you
need very large disk size, like 1 or 2 TB to cope with various things.
One of them would be film production.
Which its unlikely the OP was asking about if he didnt say.
And you can easily cut a studio quality film on a home computer.
You can even network few computers for distributed processing
and do it in under a day of CPU time.
Sure, but its unlikely the OP is planning to do that.
Why are you arguing about it,
I'm not, I'm just poking holes in the sillier of your claims.
you know I am right about this.
Not as far as the OP is concerned you aint.
You aint even right about HDTV editing either.
As well as I am right about usefulness of RAID1.
Nope. Few personal desktop systems need the instant
recovery that is about all that RAID1 has advantage wise.