At the time 32bit in games was not really feasable so 3DFX was right.
Sure Nvidia and ATI could do 32bit but most games did not run at a
decent frame rate with 32bit on. And 3DFX had a 22bit filter when
playing in 16bit which was way superrior to a Nvidia or ATI card in
16bit. And then of course we get to the V5 which has still not been
matched for it's FSAA, and that card did do 32bit in games. Technology
is not what killed 3DFX, it was poor management and the dweebs buying
into the Nvidia hype machine.
What killed 3dfx was:
1) the STB merger. That was utterly rediculous... Nvidia came up and
gobbled what 3dfx left behind.
2) releasing the voodoo3 instead of rampage. Rampage was delayed
purposefully so the V3 would be released; and all the voodoo3 was was
a 2D core + two Voodoo2's in SLI (without being " SLI "), slightly
higher clock, and newer drivers, with the 22 bit post filter.
Basically, technology a year old.
When the TNT (1) was released, 3dfx was right, at the time, 32 bit was
a joke; no card was fast enough to get playable framerates in 32
bit...remember, we were having enough trouble getting 60 FPS in games,
at *16 bit*....not enough CPU, not enough video card, but the TNT1 was
released in the V2's cycle, which was 3dfx's best card, bar none.
But then the TNT2 arrived, and instead of 3dfx pushing the envelope,
as they did with V2, they put rampage on the side burner, lost their
manufacturer partnerships, and then started bleeding cash due to the
high overhead of the STB plant (they were profitable during the V2
days, though not _greatly_ so), oh ,and not to mention, releasing the
poor V3, instead of releasing at *LEAST* the V5 1 and a half years
The STB merger is what knocked 3dfx down. Releasing the voodoo3 put
the nail in the coffin. 3dfx _would_ have stood a chance if the
Voodoo5 had been released in spring '99, and thus named the voodoo3
instead of the actual V3, to compete with the TNT2 (the V5 would have
spit all over the TNT2U, and despite lack of AGP features, would have
been the most powerful solution, with FSAA 1 year in advance).
But we know what happened there.
A sad story indeed. but this is what happens when you get suits
running things, who are out of touch with what is needed to survive.
<Gibs> When you kill 6 people in Unreal Tournament
it is "MonsterKill", In Quake3 it is "Excellent",
in Counter-Strike it is "Kicked by console"