3dfx started out as a graphics chip company, like nVidia is today. 3dfx sold
no retail products.
They thought they'd become more profitable if they went vertical, so they
bought the graphics card maker STB and started selling graphics cards
directly, mostly cutting of their card maker customers. (3dfx claimed that
the various companies selling cards based on their products were competing
mainly on price, so that it was hurting the profitability of 3dfx itself.)
The business strategy failed.
3dfx also seemed to have technology problems. Their final products relied on
multi-chip configurations to get high performance, and I expect that may
have cost too much to make. nVidia's products overtook them.
3dfx went out of business. nVidia bought some of their assets, but they
didn't buy the company as such. Support for 3dfx cards ended when the lights
went out.
(Either that, or the threat of a Bitboys product frightened them out of
I have an Orchid Righteous 3d (Voodoo I card) in a box in the basement. I
hope that if I keep it long enough, it'll be worth a small fortune. ;-)
Bob Knowlden
Address may be altered to avoid spam. Replace nkbob with bobkn.