Show us where OP said -=ALL=- (my emphasis) processes, for ****'s sake,
you blithering idiot.
Getting a little edgy there "Dogfish"?
Show us where OP said -=ALL=- (my emphasis) processes, for ****'s sake,
you blithering idiot.
Getting a little edgy there "Dogfish"?
John said:It's like trying to punch information into an MS-basher.
Don't you ever get tired of bashing MS bashers ? So what if people are
MS bashers ? What's it to you ?
(1) Do you have shares in Microsoft ? [ ]
(2) You work for Microsoft ? [ ]
(3) You want to do Bill Gates a favour ? [ ]
(4) You just like being a netkop ? [ ]
(5) You don't know how to ignore such posters ? [ ]
(6) You don't know how to delete posts from those posters ? [ ]
(7) Other ? [ X ]
Please "x" as appropriate. I suspect the answer is (4) but am open to
your making another choice.
I agree. Some people are so eager to show people that they know of a
process killer that they ignore the fact that the OP said "processes"
and that task killers are generally useless where all ones processes
are stuck.
Blinky said:Because of some really simple math, John. process 1 + process 2 =
processes. Even in your country, I suspect that plurals can mean more
than one and less than infinity.
Getting a little edgy there "Dogfish"?
Admittedly, the OP is not worded concisely enough to attribute
unambiguous intent to it...
but I think we all know what the question
was... all except John.
Once it is installed and running in the background (small system resources
are used.. not noticable difference in speed..
If Win 98 Hangs, press (ctrl alt y if I remember.. read the documents to
verify).. A nice Skull icon popsup and you can dragen drop the skull on a
froze window app and it will die instantly.. Same principle as X-Kill in
John said:Agreed.
Typo perhaps ? I think that should have read :
but I think we all know what the question
was... all except you, and Blinky.
John said:John said:It's like trying to punch information into an MS-basher.
Don't you ever get tired of bashing MS bashers ? So what if people
are MS bashers ? What's it to you ?
(1) Do you have shares in Microsoft ? [ ]
(2) You work for Microsoft ? [ ]
(3) You want to do Bill Gates a favour ? [ ]
(4) You just like being a netkop ? [ ]
(5) You don't know how to ignore such posters ? [ ]
(6) You don't know how to delete posts from those posters ? [ ]
(7) Other ? [ X ]
Please "x" as appropriate. I suspect the answer is (4) but am open
to your making another choice.(7) Like to attempt to maintain a level playing field with balanced
rather than biased information,
Then why are you here ? I doubt that usenet is the place for
< snip >
And are your constant rants against supposed anti-MS people achieving
that end ? I don't think so. Simply adding more "noise".
You are acting as in (4) and you should follow the advice as per (5)
or (6).
Still, if you want to keep up your netcop role you are free to do
e.g. if you use IE then your HD will be erased and your CPU will be vaporized.
DC said:Ah-HA! I *knew* it! };O)
John said:Then why are you here ? I doubt that usenet is the place forJohn Fitzsimons wrote:
It's like trying to punch information into an MS-basher.
Don't you ever get tired of bashing MS bashers ? So what if people
are MS bashers ? What's it to you ?
(1) Do you have shares in Microsoft ? [ ]
(2) You work for Microsoft ? [ ]
(3) You want to do Bill Gates a favour ? [ ]
(4) You just like being a netkop ? [ ]
(5) You don't know how to ignore such posters ? [ ]
(6) You don't know how to delete posts from those posters ? [ ]
(7) Other ? [ X ]
Please "x" as appropriate. I suspect the answer is (4) but am open
to your making another choice.
(7) Like to attempt to maintain a level playing field with balanced
rather than biased information,
Really? I see the usenet as *the* place where views from all sides can
appear with equal status, since the whole show is unmoderated and
unfiltered. Such an exchange though, will inevitably involve both
argument and mis/disinformation. I'd say that if you can't tolerate the
argument, then 5 & 6 above sound like the right advice.
I'm not worried
about people taking a counterstand to mine, so 5 & 6 don't apply,
but I
see it as appropriate in any forum to correct the mis/disinformation
that often appears in such discussions/exchanges e.g. if you use IE then
your HD will be erased and your CPU will be vaporized.
A level "noise" field then? I'm glad you see all the pointless
MS-bashing as "noise".![]()
IIRC, I was explaining to Blinky that it is nigh on impossible to get
information through to someone who has already made up their own mind,
as to what the end result is going to be. In the context of this thread,
I referred to the typical MS-basher *mentallity* as an appropriate
example of the epitomy of such difficulty. I didn't refer to any
particular person as an MS-basher. So what's the relevance of the
multiple choice test above?
I really don't see where the "netcop" tag comes from in your mind. I
always thought of a netcop as someone who kicked up about posting style
or something equally pedantic, usually with little regard to content or
accuracy of information. Please enlighten me if I'm wrong. All I recall
first hand, wrt netcops, was being the Rodney King of broken sig
delimiters at one stage, when I had a buggy problem with OE QuoteFix - I
was finally given a solution in amongst the frenzy of swinging truncheon
Interesting. That pretty much sums up my opinion of all the MS-bashing
(not my terminology BTW)
that goes on in the group. And that's largely
why I post my counterpoint, in just the same way you are doing here.
Errr... your logic escapes me here. Regardless of my own stand, it just
doesn't make sense for me to invent MS-bashing out of the blue, with no
content to reply to. Most of my posts wrt MSB are *in response* to some
of the inane sorts of comments I've referred to i.e. a correction or a
This is quite amusing to read in itself. You want me to tolerate, not
jump on, not rant and ignore. Yet you don't seem to mind all the rants,
raves and cage rattling that goes on when somebody might say something
positive about IE or OE. Try rereading what you wrote - quite the double
My take on this was deliberately exaggerated, as you well know; but if
you like I'll find a post in which one of the regular MSBs does, in
fact, suggest that data on an open network will indeed be susceptible to
destruction by a remote hacker, all because the network uses IE. So my
hyperbole on the kind of misinformation that spews forth from a typical
bash session is not actually *that* far off the mark. You are incorrect.
I could, but I tend to try to reply in the same vain as the original
A message written in the tone of "yeah M$$$ sukz bigtyme man"
doesn't really merit any sense of politeness or etiquette in the reply
I agree. And I may well be guilty of same.
I can't help but notice
though, a conspicuous absence of criticism by you towards the
originators of the "noise". Balance is the term I used I think... but
some people don't like it in practice, just to do a bit of
holier-than-thou preaching about it.
LOL! Classic! This is exactly what the regular MSBs do!
If you take the
time to study some of the threads where this kind of thing flares up,
it's plain as day that they take the complimentary George Bush
approach - if your not against MS, then you're with them. Exactly - they
insist you're in either one pigeonhole or the other. I must admit to
being quite stunned when I first saw myself described as a MS-worshipper
in this group. This was after referring someone to a MS link that held
the answer to their query - nothing to do with praising MS, which I
don't think I've ever done. I only endeavour to correct the bulls&*# and
counter the baseless rants. Yes, there can be only 2 pigeonholes for
some people, me not included. Well spotted.
Our definitions of pedantic obviously differ. I lean towards the
dictionary definition of "narrowly, stodgily, and often ostentatiously
learned". This fits more (IMO) with the sig-nazis, the line length cops,
the quote-standard quoters etc. But I'm tolerant of other
interpretations. BTW, your impression is incorrect - everyone knows who
the wanton MS bashers are now. They have turned several regulars away
from ACF, as indicated in no uncertain terms in the private e-mails I've
Some of the sites I criticise are simply full of as much, or more,
bulls^&* than the poster of such links. Would you rather say nothing
about this incorrect information for fear of somehow offending?
And then the black helicopter arrives and the men in black with their
reflective visors appear. Nothing wrong with your imagination.
And the purpose of your post here is?
Since I haven't seen you doing any MS-bashing in this thread, I don't
see it that way. Perhaps if I operated on the Bush principle above, with
just the 2 boxes, I might. But I don't. I'll leave that to the
If you believe MS -bashing will not change anyone's opinion then why
bother with your anti MS-bashing ?
You seem to be making the argument that because other people do wrong
things (in your eyes) so should you. Isn't that your argument ?
I am posting to point out the pointlessness of your never ending
rants. I knew there was only a very remote chance of your realising it
but I thought I would at least give things a go. I can see however
that you are exactly like the MS bashers and have no desire to listen
to reason on this matter.
No, you do NOT "correct" information.
You constantly go on, and on.
and on, about "MS bashers".
IF you simply wanted to correct incorrect
information then you could do so without the need of those words.
There are many pro MS posts I disagree with. There are many anti MS
posts I disagree with. Just because I don't choose to follow your
example of a holy crusade against either group doesn't mean that I
agree with either of them.
I look at each post. By MS bashers and by anti MS bashers. Each one
"on their merit". That's what I was suggesting you do.
If someone gives wrong information then you can correct it. No need to
bring in the "MS bashers" rubbish.
Wrong information is wrong information. Irrespective of whether anyone
loves, or hates, MS. It seems that you are only interested in
correcting incorrect information if it is from an "MS basher.
Rather a childish approach IMO. That makes you no better than the
original poster. Doing the things yourself that you are critical of.
The above is an "opinion". So what ? It doesn't require a reply from
you at all.
Exactly. You are no better than those you choose to be critical of.
Why should I criticise them ? It would achieve nothing. You obviously
have plenty of time for such pointless posts. I don't.
Sure. You are just like them.
What "they" do is irrelevant. You are doing the same thing. Also, your
posting will not in any way change "their" behaviour.
Just like many people are turned away by your never ending "MS
bashers" rants. IMO people come here to discuss freeware. Not to get a
daily rant from you about "MS bashers".
Not at all. If something is incorrect then correct it. No need for the
MS rant though. You CAN correct false information without even
including the words "MS bashers". Try it some time.![]()
As I said above. To point out to you the pointlessness of your
constant anti MS bashers rants.
See, you cannot even manage to finish the post without *yet another*
(boring) reference to them. Never heard the term "Live and let live ?"
Google Groups reports 13 hits for threads containing my posts and MS
bash/basher references since Jan 2003.