That is a truly bizzare attitude.
You say "If the client does not like the site (I'm not perfect,
after all), then no harm is done, and I'm not out any money".
But surely you've spent some time building this site. If you're
using some server side scripting, then you may well have spent a
fair bit of time, no? Is your time worth /nothing/ to you?
A mockup is a mockup is a mockup. Yes, I spend a fair amount of time, but
not very much, a page or two, just so the client can see.
Surely if you spent say £50 on asp hosting, and used it over and
over again to demo sites, then that £50 a year is tiny compared
to your time costs - or am I missing something fundamental?
Right now, I'm on a tiny budget, and as I said, I already pay for hosting
on a Unix box, and I'm very happy with the host. I wish my paid host had
ASP hosting available.
Instead you choose to demo your sites on crap, slow hosting
which may force popups on your clients!!
If you want to send me the £50, then I'll do it. In the meantime, I'll keep
telling people to download the Opera browser and not have to worry about a
slow, CSS broken, pop-up prone piece of s--t browser.