Ok you dumbass I will spell it out for you. Go here
http://www.advancedprivacyguard.com/ and click on the download link, your
antivirus should detect it Avast does. For testing purposes disable your
antivirus and download the file. MBAM resident detection does not block it.
Click install. MBAM Resident protection does not block it. Run a scan using
MBAM it detects and removes it. Your boss Bruce said in an interview on
Besttechie a few weeks ago that everything MBAM detects during its scans are
also blocked when using the paid version with real-time protection. Now stop
trying to portray me as a liar and fix your product. Below is the log file
done just a few minutes ago.
Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.27
Database version: 1131
Windows 6.0.6001 Service Pack 1
9/9/2008 10:31:41 AM
mbam-log-2008-09-09 (10-31-41).txt
Scan type: Quick Scan
Objects scanned: 47855
Time elapsed: 3 minute(s), 50 second(s)
Memory Processes Infected: 1
Memory Modules Infected: 0
Registry Keys Infected: 3
Registry Values Infected: 1
Registry Data Items Infected: 1
Folders Infected: 2
Files Infected: 8
Memory Processes Infected:
C:\Users\pcbutts1\Desktop\FreeSetup.exe (Rogue.AdvancedPrivacyGuard) ->
Unloaded process successfully.
Memory Modules Infected:
(No malicious items detected)
Registry Keys Infected:
(Trojan.FakeAlert) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully.
(Rogue.AdvancedPrivacyGuard) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully.
(Rogue.AdvancedPrivacyGuard) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully.
Registry Values Infected:
(Rogue.AdvancedPrivacyGuard) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully.
Registry Data Items Infected:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\scrfile\shell\open\command\ (Broken.OpenCommand) -> Bad:
("%1" %*) Good: ("%1" /S) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully.
Folders Infected:
C:\Program Files\AdvancedPrivacyGuard (Rogue.AdvancedPrivacyGuard) ->
Quarantined and deleted successfully.
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\AdvancedPrivacyGuard
(Rogue.AdvancedPrivacyGuard) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully.
Files Infected:
C:\Users\pcbutts1\Desktop\FreeSetup.exe (Rogue.AdvancedPrivacyGuard) ->
Delete on reboot.
C:\Program Files\AdvancedPrivacyGuard\apg.exe
(Rogue.AdvancedPrivacyGuard) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully.
(Rogue.AdvancedPrivacyGuard) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully.
Menu\Programs\AdvancedPrivacyGuard\Uninstall AdvancedPrivacyGuard.lnk
(Rogue.AdvancedPrivacyGuard) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully.
(Rogue.AdvancedPrivacyGuard) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully.
C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick
Launch\AdvancedPrivacyGuard.lnk (Rogue.AdvancedPrivacyGuard) -> Quarantined
and deleted successfully.
(Rogue.AdvancedPrivacyGuard) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully.
C:\Users\pcbutts1\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick
Launch\AdvancedPrivacyGuard.lnk (Rogue.AdvancedPrivacyGuard) -> Quarantined
and deleted successfully.