AntiSpyware Any Use with Firefox

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chooky
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Prof for my logic.

Correct me if Im wrong but I belive its b/c of non-standard code that
Microsoft made up for IE..
I see what you're getting at now the page looks fine but the menu on
the left does not expand as in IE.

I didnt mean all the pages or just the front page. Here is an

whiteflyer wrote:

I don't really understand the last point, FireFox displays exactly the same as IE6 on my computer, well ok
the only different is the graded background on the left-hand menu
are just one colour screen shots can be seen here

AMDGUY [MCP] wrote:

Wish it displayed pages better but thats anther
issue on how web pages are coded. Other than that I cant complain
about it seeing as how I never had any problems with it. I know
other people have though. I guess it all depens on your system and
what you have installed.

John wrote:

I actually agree with you on the browsing habits and the Opera
browser - wish Firefox worked better than it does.

Back to the opera. You have to buy it or it has a banner ad a the
top. How is it suposed to compete against 2 free browsers with
out the banner ad?

AMDGUY [MCP] wrote:

1. None of my computers (15 of them total) have had a problem
with fire fox. (but I'm in a controled enviroment). That does
not mean that firefox is does not have holes, bugs, or what ever
you want to call them. And being open source firefox holes
"should" be more easily identified and fixed quicker, simply b/c
more programers with a wider range of experiance can look at the
problem. There is no perfect browser. Some are just less attaced
b/c of obious reasons.

2.I didnt mean that you couldnt download netscape or that it
dosent exist any more. Its an older version of what Mozilla and
firefox is today. Netscape basicly is out of the market with
about 1.1% of it. IE has roughly 70% Opera has 1.9% and FireFox
has 19.1%, with other browsers and older versions accounting for
the remaing percent.

3.I wouldnt call the service pack a major update compaird to the
changes brought from version 4 to 5 and 5 to 6.

4.Opera is not as polished as IE or Firefox. I dont belive its
as user friendly either. There for making it a less viable
solution than IE or Fire Fox. And considering it market share it
dosnt seem that desirable.

5.Weather or not you get spyware does not depent on what
software you have but rather on the websites you open the
software you install, and what weather you click yes or no to
crap that pops up asking you to install. Basicly it amounts to
how smart of a user you are, and weather or not you willing to
take the chance to get the spyware to view what you are after.

John wrote:

I'm glad you seem to be having a good experience with FireFox,

1. FireFox seems to have a memory leak problem on some
computers. If I leave it open long enough it locks up and I
have to kill it and restart. FireFox will also stop connecting
to websites for no apparent reason - I can open it in IE but
not FireFox. Later on it works with FireFox. I have seen this
on a number of other computers.

2. Netscape did not drop out of the market. You can download
it right now - they changed their business model.

3. IE received a major update with XP sp2. You don't have to
change the major version number to change the browser.

4. Opera Browser has been a viable and desirable substitute
for IE for several years.

5. Through a combination of XP sp2, JavaCool's SpywareBlaster
and IE-SpyAD, I don't get adware/spyware - ever.

Feel free to use whatever you like and even make
recommendations but make sure your facts are correct when you
are cheerleading another product.


If your using firefox theres not much you have to worrie about
any way. 99% of the spy where is designed use vunerablities in
internet explorer. Microsoft Released internet explorer
October 2001. Netscape was there only rivel and they droped
out of the market. Before that they relesed a new browser
every 1-2 years. Its been almost 4 years since a new release
of IE. Plenty of time for hackers to develope spywhere and
other crap for your web browser. See what happens when theres
no compitition in a market. I think netscape sould have wont
the hole dispute about M$ including Internet explorer with
windows. Now its so integrated you cant get rid of the pos.
And if you could it would be very dificult to get all your
windows updates.
Chooky wrote:


I was wondering if anyone can tell me whether the Microsoft
AntiSpyware Beta is any use with Firefox. In the
Application Agent Checkpoints, there are many checkpoints
which involve/mention Internet Explorer, but no other
browser mentioned??

Does this mean I have to use Internet Explorer to get any
advantage from all these IE checkpoints, or do other
browsers already have many of these problems sorted??

I use Firefox (and am NEVER going back to IE), so I guess I
will wait to see if Firefox support is added (or already
there - does anyone know??), before I reinstall MS AntiSpyware.

I hope it isn't another one of these things where I have to
use IE to gain maximum benefit from the MS program
(monopoly, anyone...).
