Bear Bottoms
From: "Bear Bottoms" <[email protected]>
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| With an image of the infected system, all information is there to do
| with as you will. Nothing is lost. You are simply wrong.
That's not true. You ignore that Delta and Data Factors.
The Delta Factor are those changes that have been made to the OS and
software since the image was made.
The Data Factor is the user data that can be lost with the restoration
of an image.
Dustin is correct.
Wow....how can both of you "experts" get it so wrong. It is an example
of ancient mentality hanging on in spite of a more learned approach.
For YOU this might be a "good fit" solution but is not an overall
solution. It is only a partial solution and requires a great deal of
recognition and preparation. The computer user who thinks the DVD
drive in the desktop is a cup holder will neither recognize this nor
prepare for this. That a worsde case scenario computer user and their
are a wide variety of people and the computer experience and
knowledge. You have an overly simplistic POV that only comes from
your experience. One has to put themselves into the shoes of a wide
variety of computer users and see the state of affairs from their eyes
and their POV. You also need to perform "thought experiments" with
numerous "what if" scenarios to come up with broad spectrum solutions.
You are limiting your concept of what I speak to mounting an image and
exploring the malware from the mount. No! At any point and time, you can
reload that image and do what you will. You have lost nothing.
You should always first image a system that is infected before you do
anything else. After which, you can do whatever you wish to do with the
infected system, lose nothing, and if you muck it up you can reload and
start over. See, you can't project your mind-set away from the old
If anyone wishes to explore/analyze/attempt removal,"recognize and
prepare" and document to report, they can always reload the infected
image, do their thing and NOTHING is lost. Even with your narrow minded,
wrong, and not well thought out statements. Delta factor my ass. YOU
Most people won't. I know this from EXPERIENCE. Your candid off-the-cuff
snide remarks are noted again.