Bart Bailey said:
In Message-ID:<fpSeb.36797$gv5.2240@fed1read05> posted on Thu, 2 Oct
Chill neighbor,
you're needlessly compromising your health,
and possibly alienating any potential help.
I don't use OE, so can't be of specific assistance, but the way you
describe once functional features losing their functionality might be a
clue to something.
Have you run an AV scan to assure that something hasn't bit you?
Maybe some option box got un-checked accidentally,
happens to me from time to time,
or maybe there's a limit to the number of arguments a rule can
accommodate, and as new words are added, previous ones are rolling off?
I can endorse the pre-screener (Mailwasher Pro) I'm using as being
effective in my case, and it might be worth exploring its utility to
yourself. Doesn't look like swen is going away anytime soon.
Bart, I appreciate your concern.

But, I would not have come here and
made this statement unless I had made sure I was certain of my facts.
I ran an AVG scan, Spybot, Adware, House Call, as many and all that I could
to make sure nothing was lurking and there was no "HAL" on board. I reset
all of my Rules, and even added some, I checked and rechecked all the
settings. I could not believe myself that this thing had somehow found a way
to over ride the Rules. But, all I can say is, if you want to believe it or
not, it has, and it does, and the game plan is not the same. The playing
field has changed. I do have Mailwasher in place, and I will monitor it to
see what happens there.
You're right, Swen is not going to go quietly into that good night. Heck,
I'm no virus guru, but, even I can see the changes that are taking place on
a daily basis. But, it is another story when it can detect and over ride
settings like this. That is why I wanted to post this here, so that someone
else might pick up on it too. It may be that the strain that I got has not
hit everyone yet, so you folks may not have seen this yet, or maybe not even
noticed it, but, it is happening. It is over riding, bypassing,
circumventing, whatever you want to call it. I guess it is because I had not
had any Swen related messages in over 3 days, then suddenly started seeing
the same ones that I had used to set the rules for showing up out of
nowhere, with attachments, and all the nomenclature, and yet, the rules had
been stopping them or putting them in the delete box before. Now, they were
showing up in my Inbox again. I did check each and every word in the From,
To, Subject Line, body, anything that could signify that they were all
somehow new and not the same as before. But, not so.
Well, what you folks choose to do with the info is up to you. It just
bothered me that this thing seems to be sort of "thinking" if you will. Or,
the person(s) behind it are trying to stay one step ahead to keep it going.
If they are smart enough to write something like this crap, they are surely
smart enough to be able to over ride or circumvent some simple OE rules. I
am not new to in-depth research of various computer problems, and there are
many MVP's in several other newsgroups that can attest to that. So I make
sure all my ducks are in a row before I post my findings. I would not have
come here and made this statement if I was not sure.