Announcement regarding the F.A.Q.

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Corliss
  • Start date Start date
alt.comp.adware (I think it's called) was invented to serve this purpose
in part. Nobody seemed to use it much because it quickly filled up with,
guess what, adware.

John said:
I took down the F.A.Q. because Susan Bugher wants to include an F.A.Q.
on the Pricelessware page. I suggest that the group start discussions
about the creation of that F.A.Q.

Just for the record:

In repy to an email from John I said:

IMO it would make sense to have one version of the FAQ on the
Pricelessware site rather than two FAQs elsewhere - BUT - that would no
doubt require a *very* prolonged discussion in the newsgroup. . . . I
have no plans to suggest that as a course of action.

Susan said:
Just for the record:

In repy to an email from John I said:

IMO it would make sense to have one version of the FAQ on the
Pricelessware site rather than two FAQs elsewhere - BUT - that would no
doubt require a *very* prolonged discussion in the newsgroup. . . . I
have no plans to suggest that as a course of action.

And I said that I would suggest such a discussion.


Now, as far as the F.A.Q., I'm no longer a part of it.
Blinky the Shark <[email protected]> wrote:
Steve H wrote:
Kinda funny, yeah. On the other hand, that's the kind of ultimate situation
some people are pushing for, in here, too.

The really funny thing is there are two messages in alt.comp.adware,
both spam.

The fact a group exists means very little. Many groups are defunct.

The ultimate situation is to find the right tool when the RARE
situation arises in which no pure freeware can be found. It is not to
advance adware or spyware.
The really funny thing is there are two messages in alt.comp.adware,
both spam.
The fact a group exists means very little. Many groups are defunct.
The ultimate situation is to find the right tool when the RARE
situation arises in which no pure freeware can be found. It is not to
advance adware or spyware.

And what happens, and will happen much more frequently as the
conventions of this group further dissolve: people who aren't serious
about freeware, and who thus don't know much of it and won't bother
looking for any see "I need x" and knee-jerk a
shareware/adware/spyware/demoware/othercrapware "solution".

It's one thing if SOS says, "that doesn't exist". It's another when Mr.
I've Been Here Two Days or Mr. You Can't Stop ME! says, "duh i dunno so
go buy norton lol **** the netcops".

If you make wooden nickels legal tender, that's what people are going
to offer.

There's simply no way that relaxing the standards is *not* going to make
this a crapful newsgroup.
And what happens, and will happen much more frequently as the
conventions of this group further dissolve: people who aren't serious
about freeware, and who thus don't know much of it and won't bother
looking for any see "I need x" and knee-jerk a
shareware/adware/spyware/demoware/othercrapware "solution".
It's one thing if SOS says, "that doesn't exist". It's another when Mr.
I've Been Here Two Days or Mr. You Can't Stop ME! says, "duh i dunno so
go buy norton lol **** the netcops".

We cannot control what new people post. However, as you know, we can
simply reply, delete the message, and add ": COMMERCIAL" to the
header. This is as little as is required to alert others that the
original is a waste of time to read.
There's simply no way that relaxing the standards is *not* going to make
this a crapful newsgroup.

I've heard this every since I've been here Blinky. As I said in
another post the PSP CD-ware post was somewhere in the 1400 post
neighborhood, "fighting the good fight." It totally destroyed the
usability of the group over a week or so. If unmolested, there might
have been a few "Thanks!" posted to the OP and that would have been
the end of it.

Afterwards, you and others withdrew and the group ran on auto-pilot
for a few weeks. This period was the BEST I've ever seen the group.
The message load was light, but almost all freeware related.

"crapful newsgroup" came not from the mention of a free commercial
program on a CD. It came from attempts to stop it, which was pretty
comical when we look back on it now.

Instead of saying, "You can't say that here," after it has been said,
try simply flagging the subject appropiately and those who agree will
skip over the thread, hopefully. Although, I think the PSP post was
flagged appropiately if I recall correctly. At that particular point
you guys had a real jihad going though and everyone lost in the

Review the thread. If you can grimmace and sit through the 1400
cantankerous posts... the next few unmoderated weeks of posts will be
extremely refreshing!


Unrelated, but I've been wondering... is Linux, freeware
tainted with ads, spyware, etc.? Or is this a Win32 thing?

I will be surprised if it is, but I have no idea.
Susan said:
IMO it would make sense to have one version of the FAQ on the
Pricelessware site rather than two FAQs elsewhere - BUT - that would
no doubt require a *very* prolonged discussion in the newsgroup. . .
. I have no plans to suggest that as a course of action.

I'm not sure it should be the purpose of the PL site to serve as a
repository for all of acf's business. I don't see a problem with having the
FAQ at John F's site. In fact, it simplifies matters to have only one
version anyway, so unless John C. wants to bring his back online, why not
go on as we are.

I used to make a post every 3/4 days with links to PL and FAQs. Maybe
someone can take that over and post it on a weekly basis, just so that
newcomers know where to go to look? And if this is being done already and I
missed it somehow, then my apologies.
We cannot control what new people post. However, as you know, we can
simply reply, delete the message, and add ": COMMERCIAL" to the
header. This is as little as is required to alert others that the
original is a waste of time to read.

I've heard this every since I've been here Blinky. As I said in
another post the PSP CD-ware post was somewhere in the 1400 post
neighborhood, "fighting the good fight." It totally destroyed the
usability of the group over a week or so. If unmolested, there might
have been a few "Thanks!" posted to the OP and that would have been
the end of it.

Afterwards, you and others withdrew and the group ran on auto-pilot
for a few weeks. This period was the BEST I've ever seen the group.
The message load was light, but almost all freeware related.

"crapful newsgroup" came not from the mention of a free commercial
program on a CD. It came from attempts to stop it, which was pretty
comical when we look back on it now.

Instead of saying, "You can't say that here," after it has been said,
try simply flagging the subject appropiately and those who agree will
skip over the thread, hopefully. Although, I think the PSP post was
flagged appropiately if I recall correctly. At that particular point
you guys had a real jihad going though and everyone lost in the

Review the thread. If you can grimmace and sit through the 1400
cantankerous posts... the next few unmoderated weeks of posts will be
extremely refreshing!

Good points!!
Genna said:
I'm not sure it should be the purpose of the PL site to serve as a
repository for all of acf's business. I don't see a problem with having the
FAQ at John F's site. In fact, it simplifies matters to have only one
version anyway, so unless John C. wants to bring his back online, why not
go on as we are.

I agree.

The 2004 Pricelessware review is about to begin. Let's conserve our
strength for that. ;)

I added [FAQ] to the subject line of this post as a filter. IMO it would
be a courtesy to those who are not interested in the FAQ threads if
others did likewise.
I used to make a post every 3/4 days with links to PL and FAQs. Maybe
someone can take that over and post it on a weekly basis, just so that
newcomers know where to go to look? And if this is being done already and I
missed it somehow, then my apologies.


PL2004 Review:
alt.comp.freeware FAQ (short) - maintained by John F.
Genna wrote:

GR> I used to make a post every 3/4 days with links to PL and FAQs. Maybe
GR> someone can take that over and post it on a weekly basis, just so that
GR> newcomers know where to go to look? And if this is being done already and I
GR> missed it somehow, then my apologies.

If no one else would like to do it - I can.

If someone already has an up to date message - just send it
on, and I'll ensure that it's posted once a week. (In
exactly the same format so that it can be killfiled by the
Ravi said:
Genna wrote:

GR> I used to make a post every 3/4 days with links to PL and FAQs. Maybe
GR> someone can take that over and post it on a weekly basis, just so that
GR> newcomers know where to go to look? And if this is being done already and I
GR> missed it somehow, then my apologies.

If no one else would like to do it - I can.

If someone already has an up to date message - just send it
on, and I'll ensure that it's posted once a week. (In
exactly the same format so that it can be killfiled by the

Sounds like a plan to me - thank you. :)
suggested message:

Pricelessware: The best of the best in Windows © Freeware,
as determined by the readers of alt.comp.freeware

2003 Pricelessware List:

2004 Pricelessware List - Nominations and Review:

alt.comp.freeware FAQ (short) - maintained by John F.

Revise as you see fit.

PL2004 Review:
alt.comp.freeware FAQ (short) - maintained by John F.
(e-mail address removed) wrote in <

As I said in another post the PSP CD-ware post was somewhere in
the 1400 post neighborhood, "fighting the good fight." It totally
destroyed the usability of the group over a week or so. If
unmolested, there might have been a few "Thanks!" posted to the OP
and that would have been the end of it.

Afterwards, you and others withdrew and the group ran on auto-pilot
for a few weeks. This period was the BEST I've ever seen the group.
The message load was light, but almost all freeware related.

That was because people stopped recommending the $$$magazineware.

I'm not saying the giganto-thread was a good thing, but IMO you blame
it on the wrong people and misidentify the cause of the subsequent
improvement in the group.
That was because people stopped recommending the $$$magazineware.
I'm not saying the giganto-thread was a good thing, but IMO you blame
it on the wrong people and misidentify the cause of the subsequent
improvement in the group.

There was the single mention. After the gang tackle began the OP saw
the futility of it all and resigned. Then others posted that the
tackle was wrong and 1400 messages later... we're back here.

The OP and few people who appreciated the post are very few in number
who left the thread early and are not responsible for the multi-thread
responses. The way people such as the OP were "handled" back then was
by "gang tackle" (google it).

The plan is faulty. There can be no victory in bypassing logical
arguments and applying sheer tonnage of replies. In this case everyone
loses and at best a draw occurs. Mutually assured destruction was the
plan of the times.
There was the single mention.

In the ensuing time, both within the giganto-thread and in new threads
that were started, quite a few mentions and recommendations of
$$$magazineware were made.
(e-mail address removed) wrote in <news:[email protected]>:
In the ensuing time, both within the giganto-thread and in new threads
that were started, quite a few mentions and recommendations of
$$$magazineware were made.

I'm going to have to go back and refresh I guess. Heck, I'm almost as
old as Blinky used to be <G>.

As I recall, the discussions were about the freedom of speech in an
unmoderated group. There were mentions. I myself was interested in
hearing what commercial programs might be available for the price of a
magazine. Rather than split hairs (please), it was simply
free-enough-for-me-ware. I had a genuine interest in the reading the
thread though.

In a nutshell the logic returned to the mass attack:

The basics: (the generic "you")

You have complete control of what you read.
You have complete control in what you post.

That is the end of your complete control. Now you are venturing into
someone elses areas of complete control. You are a visitor here.

Don't complain because you don't like what you're reading <G>. Don't
read it!

Be responsible for what you write. That is, do not attempt to infringe
on someone elses 2 areas of complete control. Be civil. Be tolerant.
Accept the fact this is an unmoderated newsgroup.


The responses offered totally deflected any of the above. The sky
will fall, repeated in hundreds and hundreds of messages attempting to
harrass and intimidate was the result.

I just came in. The sky is still there and I feel that it is pretty
stable <G>.

MAD was not the answer. It was the directly "the" problem.

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