Hi Bob,
Anyone interested in my opinion can read my blog.
I think that this tone is what bothers some people in this newsgroup.
We are not used to it, whatever newsgroup you are active in, where it is
maybe normal behaviour.
We do not start to punish each other.
We are mostly very friendly against each other and even if not, the regulars
know we do it sometimes just to prickle the other.
We are not afraid to start a discussion. That is one of the reasons of a
newsgroup and we do that always with very much appreciation for the other
I did see only one very long real flame in this newsgroup and that is more
than a month ago and before that there where months none.
Therefore, I do not like what you write on your webpage, it is in my eyes
beside the truth and gives a bad sound on your articles, when I had read it,
I did not want to see anything more from your page.
Brian and OHM did not "flame" you, they did give in a more or less friendly
tone there opinion.
It can be right or wrong.
However, than is in my opinion this the place to give your arguing why they
are wrong, not a webpage.
Just my thought,