Gary VanderMolen \(MVP\)
Who is this "you" that you are castigating? We are all unpaid
volunteers here, so lighten up. It sounds like you downloaded the
wrong thing. On some websites the paid ads are difficult to distinguish
from the editorial matter. To avoid being snookered, newbies should
use only Microsoft authorized help sites instead of third party ones.
The post you quoted is very old, and has been superseded long ago.
If you would like some up-to-date help, please describe your issue in
detail, and include a complete, verbatim copy of the error message.
volunteers here, so lighten up. It sounds like you downloaded the
wrong thing. On some websites the paid ads are difficult to distinguish
from the editorial matter. To avoid being snookered, newbies should
use only Microsoft authorized help sites instead of third party ones.
The post you quoted is very old, and has been superseded long ago.
If you would like some up-to-date help, please describe your issue in
detail, and include a complete, verbatim copy of the error message.