fitwell said:
And it came to pass that RipVanWinkle wrote:
I originally posted "Firefox not ready for primetime" and
there were a lot of responses. One post asked for specific
examples of sites that did not work properly. Here is one, [...]
Run it through the validator yourself:
I'm assuming this page is updated as the needs arises?
Is there an ng for fixing the types of things the service brings p as
errors? I ran a page done up my Angelfire and the validation service
found errors. Not much I can do about this page, but was curious to
know what to do when it finds errors on something I've done up. [...]
This is a case of a web page being poorly coded, not FF's
ability to render it.
Run pages though the Validator as you code them on FF or Mozilla. Fix them
one step at a time until they are 4.01 or 1.0 compliant and then feel your
face drop as you render them in IE. It is f***ing ridiculous!
alt.html or alt.html.tags are places to get your questions answered.
But the cool thing is, if you can solve one warning/error in the Validator
if may solve over a thousand lines. (e.g. <ul> without an end tag - or </A>
no it's gotta be </a> all lowercase in xhtml)
Then go to IE to break your heart
There is a silver lining. The discrepancies between Mozilla-based browsers
and IE are small and getting smaller.