kony said:
Well then, your system is even slower than I thought as I
have an 18 month old system that can, does do it, certainly
a new one can. If you're talking about only lower
resolution like 320 x 240, that P3 933(?) that you dismissed
might even be able to do it, providing it had SSE optimized
Mine will play some others it won't play, some files seem to need
a collossal amount of processing.
Anyway I have a program to convert them to mpeg, only problem
is takes an age to convert, but I can do them as a batch job is I like.
I can't see the need for the format myself it uses to much CPU and
I think it would slow down a fairly modern system, especially if you
have other programs running.
Also its runs even slow in windows media player, which I no longer use
(cos its s***).
I tend to run my PC in just 256 colours now (cant tell the difference
most of the time) and it make a big difference. Switching to this
mode from high colour, whilst playing poker showed a drop from
about 90% CPU to 25%, which is like haveing a PC 3-4 times faster.
I was going to get my Athlon64 but unfortunately they seem to have
stopped doing the model I wanted and replaced it with a lot more
expenive models, however I might be better off with a Pentium anyway,
judging by the performance of the K6-2. A lot of benchmarks don't give
a true impression of general performance