Always buy a good power supply...


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
It's been a long time since I've had a PSU die on me, but on Sat morning it decided to blow for no obvious reason. At the time I bought the components for my PC, the PSU I wanted was out of stock so I settled for a Xilence PSU (which I thought must be half decent after reading the specs, and looking at the price!). Not ideal, but I thought it would have to do unless I wanted to wait another week. :wall:

Anyway, got myself a "PC Power and Cooling 610W" PSU now, which is supposed to be very good :thumb: Let's hope this one lasts a bit longer ;)
I remember Postill (wherever he may be) writing me a big set of writing in RED to throw away my QTECH power supply

it damaged my motherboard I was too late. It's imperative to have a very good power supply unit.
Only make of PSU that's failed on me in twelve years has been Antec - three of them.

Even the cheapo Jeantech brand PSU's from PC World have been good (except for one which I had to repair) and I still have a Jeantech 350W in my media machine, must be at least five years old now.

Needless to say I don't buy Antec PSU's anymore.
floppybootstomp said:
Only make of PSU that's failed on me in twelve years has been Antec - three of them.

Even the cheapo Jeantech brand PSU's from PC World have been good (except for one which I had to repair) and I still have a Jeantech 350W in my media machine, must be at least five years old now.

Needless to say I don't buy Antec PSU's anymore.

Three Antecs? Ouch! I think I'll be wary about choosing one of those then.

The last one that blew up for me (before the Xilence), was a QTEC one I think.
I had an ezcool for about 5 weeks before it died, have aquired an OCZ GameXstream 600W, very very quiet, the last one must have been noisy as i can hear my heatsink now.
Bad news Ian, at least it didn't take any other components with it! :)
V_R said:
Bad news Ian, at least it didn't take any other components with it! :)

Yep, it was a nervous few seconds when I plugged the new one in and hoping it worked! :eek:
My old computer had a crap PSU, so I decided to change it, but the new PSU was too powerful for the Mobo :( so when I turned it on it knackered my Mobo and HDD :mad:

I wont be doing that again lol.
Nobody in particular said:
My old computer had a crap PSU, so I decided to change it, but the new PSU was too powerful for the Mobo :( so when I turned it on it knackered my Mobo and HDD :mad:

I wont be doing that again lol.

Sorry, but that's impossible. Electrical and Electronic devices will only draw the current they need, just because a power supply supplies a certain amount of current doesn't mean it will dump all that current at once.

No, something was faulty in your setup for that to happen.
floppybootstomp said:
Sorry, but that's impossible. Electrical and Electronic devices will only draw the current they need, just because a power supply supplies a certain amount of current doesn't mean it will dump all that current at once.

No, something was faulty in your setup for that to happen.

hmm not sure then. I managed to get a new computer though lol. Faulty setup - your probably right there, It was a quick job, so I didnt really take much time with it.
Nobody in particular said:
My old computer had a crap PSU, so I decided to change it, but the new PSU was too powerful for the Mobo :( so when I turned it on it knackered my Mobo and HDD :mad:

I wont be doing that again lol.
lmao, just made my day.

Sorry, but flops is right, that is not why your PC died. :)