Alternative browser

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jimpgh2002 said:
I know that's your vote. But WHY?
Why does being IE based disqualify them from your

You're better off ignoring "Blinky".
The posts by "Blinky" that add nothing useful far outweigh
those that do.
In other words, you aren't going to miss anything "Blinky"
has to say, it's mostly drivel.
jimpgh2002 said:
On 7 Sep 2003 03:26:55 GMT, Blinky the Shark <[email protected]>
I know that's your vote. But WHY?
Why does being IE based disqualify them from your consideration?

Don't like IE. That would seem to have been clear from the beginning.
Ben said:
You're better off ignoring "Blinky".
The posts by "Blinky" that add nothing useful far outweigh
those that do.
In other words, you aren't going to miss anything "Blinky"
has to say, it's mostly drivel.

Why, thanks, "Ben". Didn't know you cared.
jimpgh2002 said:
"So": Then they are not, by definition, "alternative" browsers, are
they? They just present the same old wine in a brand new bottle.
My IE2. It's under constant development. It has an active user forum if questions arise. It offers more plug-in support than any of the others. IMHO. ;)

e> What do you vote for? and why?

e> 1) MyIE2
e> 2) Avant Browser
e> 3) Slim Browser
e> 4) Crazy Browser

e> Thanks
wrote on Sun, 07 Sep 2003 14:53:47 GMTI bet you're glad you asked.
Try them all and pick the one that suits you :o)
I wavered between MyIE2 and Avant for ages then moved to
Firebird. That suits me, but it may not suit you.
Trouble with this kind of question is that it brings the
M$ophobes at their worst.
jimpgh2002 said:
On 7 Sep 2003 06:09:43 GMT, Blinky the Shark <[email protected]>
Are you always this evasive? I'll try 1 last time. WHY don't you
like IE?

Security. Proprietary rendering, as versus standards compliance. The
same old things that have been covered a million times in here, and
everywhere else. Thought I could avoid the same old discussions, as
they never accomplish anything. But there are always, I guess, those
who haven't been paying attention, over the years.
Jim said:
wrote on Sun, 07 Sep 2003 14:53:47 GMT
I bet you're glad you asked.
Try them all and pick the one that suits you :o)
I wavered between MyIE2 and Avant for ages then moved to
Firebird. That suits me, but it may not suit you.
Trouble with this kind of question is that it brings the
M$ophobes at their worst.

As well as the MS-Worshipper/Apologists/Toadies. It evens out.
And said:
What do you vote for? and why?

1) MyIE2
2) Avant Browser
3) Slim Browser
4) Crazy Browser


None of the above: because none of these are "alternative
browsers" at all. They are shells for Internet Explorer, and
thus have evry single one of its intrinsic flaws and

:-) Christopher Jahn

I'm the one from the registry office.
All seem to require MS IE. I'd recommend using Mozilla instead-as it doesn't
need IE.

What's the use in trying to ignore a 500 pound gorilla in the room? You
cannot remove IE, or the OS will not work right. Since you must keep it
anyway, you may as well use it.

That said, I really like Firebird.

wrote on Sun, 07 Sep 2003 14:53:47 GMT
Trouble with this kind of question is that it brings the
M$ophobes at their worst.
As well as the MS-Worshipper/Apologists/Toadies. It evens out.

I just wish both of those sides would "even" themselves out of

What works for people works for people; the way some sorts turn their
software preferences into a religion and proclaim jihads against all
other options is a bit.......I dunno, clinically something or

(...the name "Fitzsimmons" has sprung unbidden to my mind....)
What's the use in trying to ignore a 500 pound gorilla in the room? You
cannot remove IE, or the OS will not work right.

Which OS did you have problems with after using IEradicator? It's not
rated to work with XP but it is with Win 9x/ME/2K
Since you must keep it
anyway, you may as well use it.

No interest in security? There's only two uses for IE before I
eradicate it on a new install. I Download the patches for my OS and
download Moz or Firebird or Opera or K-Meleon. Curently, Mozilla 1.5a
is my preference. These browsers are orders of magnitude safer to use
than IE.

(e-mail address removed) wrote in <>:
There's only two uses for IE before I eradicate it on a new
install. I Download the patches for my OS and download Moz or
Firebird or Opera or K-Meleon. Curently, Mozilla 1.5a is my
preference. These browsers are orders of magnitude safer to use
than IE.

/You/ use IE to DL Mozilla?? I know a guy who could write you a batch
file to get Moz via ftp. <vbg>
As well as the MS-Worshipper/Apologists/Toadies. It evens out.
I just wish both of those sides would "even" themselves out of

Well, when one gets jumped for pointing out a fact about software, it's
natural that factions are going to appear. Then the MS folks start
throwing around "MS-basher", the way gun control proponents use "gun
nuts". I don't think either are really called for. That the other
side then *responds* with "MS-Worshippers" is pretty natural -- it's the
apologists that have set the tone. The name calling certainly didn't
originate with those of us who can seesome faults with some of the MS
stuff. I can truthfully say that I like Access, and haven't found
anyhing its equivalent in the Linux world, and that (except for certain
things like its horrible HTML creation) Word is a very capable word
processor, and that I've never had a complaint about Excel. But, you
know, I'm an "MS-basher" because I dislike OE and IE.