ALPINE 'EZ Cool' (G5-style) ATX Case review

Yep, the knobbly thing on the front is a fan controller. This particular one was a cheap one from Maplin, but they can be found in many shapes and sizes and prices from various computing shops.
I just find it easier to be able to control the fans speed, so that when I'm listening to music or just watching films I can turn the fans down to near silent operation, and then turn them up again for more CPU intensive tasks and gaming sessions.
Here are some pics of the fan control.


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No, there is not currently a side window available for this case, although you could buy a window kit and mod in a side window yourself. :)
o well ... not that bad of news lol ... people wont have to see all my messy cables!! lol :D :p ...

is there fan mounts for 120mm as on aria it only says 80mm ... but on alot of occasions they get stuff wrong lol
there is space for a 80 mm front intake under the front fascia.

There is a 80mm mount for a rear exhaust fan.

The side panel, does have provision to mount 2 x 80mm fans blowing on CPU and graphics.
Ther is also holes for another 80mm blowing over the memory, but there are also some holes here that are 120mm apart where I belive you could use a 120mm fan for the memory instead.
o cool cool ... do you think i should get a case with 1200mm fan mounts ??? or do you actually need them as like you said there is so many holes in the case that fresh air always gets in ...
as there are holes in the top of the case, hot air will naturally rise out of the case, however it is advisable to use at least a intake fan (80mm @ 6-8V is fine) on the centre mount of the side panel, just so that there is a little fresh-air-turbulance.

This case would actually siut a watercooling setup as you could mount the fan/rad inside near the vented side panel. This is something I've yet to test out though, but it is next on my list! :)
sounds cool :D ... looks a nice case for the price looks like an apple g5 :p ... but bigger lol

i shall probs put a couple of fans in there for the neons :p ... get a fan controller and make them slower to reduce noise ;) :D
And G-man if you wish it or have the space, you could always mount 120mm-80mm adapter with a screen. The 120mm are naturally quieter than 80mm. A little more work, but again its all about preference.
i read at another forum you could ( apparantly ) fit a 120 mm fan mount without doing and DIY ... il see how it is with the 80mm fans and if i dont aprove ... il get water cooling :D :p
Front audio

i bought this case last year and had problems connecting the front audio. my speakers had their own headphone and microphone jacks so i just didn't bother. i am expecting new speakers soon however and so would like to connect the front audio. i have the instructions from my motherboard yet the case instructions are non existent for the fron audio conenctors. i remember not being able to work out which cables the motherboard intructions were reffering to due to different labels in the instuctions and on the connectors themsleves.

did you get yours connected anyone? can you help?
