Well, Peter, no I didn't realise that at all! Not knowing much about
Windows I am never sure what I can get rid of and what I have to keep.
I do have sortcuts on the desktop to all the apps that I normally
use, so if these files in the 'all programs' are not needed I can
certainly dump them.
Thanks for the info, much appreciated
David, following Peter's advice on how to cleanup the Start Menu, when I
go to my start menu, All Programs, I then have only 10 or 11 choices
there at the top level, Apps, Audio, CDr, Games, Graphics, Internet,
Programming, etc. Then under those is where I keep the appropriate type
of program.
Here's my added help, after you have these top-level program group's
defined using Explorer, or the Start Menu folder, you can then just
simply go to the start menu itself and start dragging around the various
item's into their respective groups you want them in.
To add some more organization to it, on the root of my C drive, I have
folder's of the same name as the start menu groups, except for Apps.
Then, when installing a new program, if it's a CDr program, I install it
to the C:\CDr\<program name> folder, a new Internet program, installed to
C:\Internet\<Program Name>, SoundForge 6, installed to C:\Audio
I absolutely HATE the way programs install themselves. Everything always
want's to install to 'program files'\publisher name\program name
\shortcut's here. And then it want's to put it's start menu entries in
the same fashion. The only time I install an app into program files is
when it doesn't fit in any of my pre-determined categories.
This is a great utility I wrote and use daily, http://users.adelphia.net/
~thisnthat/menuhell/index.htm , which I was thinking of finishing up and
making available for download. There's a couple very tiny bug's that I
live with that I need to clean up first. I almost never go to the start
menu because of this utility. Incidentally, the screenshot's there show
you the structure I spoke of earlier on. The only difference between the
images shown there and the current version is that the most recent
version does not support the system tray, due to some lame program's that
have a system tray icon, but don't respond properly to shell broadcast's.