"All Programs" Window is Full - what can I do?



Hi All

When I click on 'All Programs' the window that comes up is now full of
programs/folders etc., That is, this window fills the screen and the
last lot of software that I installed can not be seen as the window does
not scroll vertically or horizontally.

What is the answer here? Surely even crappy XP cant put a limit on how
many applications you can install (well see and access I guess) but how
can I make this window scroll to see and access all my applications?



How about just cleaning it up
Right click the start buttonand click "explore all users" which brings you to
your start menu..(documents&settings/user/start menu
from there you can create folders and move items.As an example you could create
an "audio" folder and then drag and drop every audio related program into that
folder.This reduces the number of individual folders and pretty soon you'll be
able to see your desktop again.You realize that not every shortcut that gets
installed on your "all programs" needs to stay there...do you really need that
shortcut to the help file?? the readme.txt file? the registration process?? etc
XP does not put a limit on how much you can install.....your HD does that.

Mike Hall

Why 'crappy XP'?.. go to START - MY COMPUTER.. double click on MY COMPUTER..
double click on the C drive.. double click on 'Documents and Settings'
folder.. double click on START MENU.. create sub folders to categorize
programs and then sort your programs into the appropriate folders..

Richard Urban

Crappy XP has nothing to do with the fact that YOU do not know how to
maintain YOUR computer! Clean up the start folder.

Crappy XP indeed. Clueless users abound.



Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)


R-click Start, choose properties, advanced tab, scroll down and check
"Scroll Programs".

XP is not "crappy", read a little!



The only thing that is "crappy" is your attitude and your lack of computer



JAX said:
R-click Start, choose properties, advanced tab, scroll down and check
"Scroll Programs".

XP is not "crappy", read a little!

Surley you all know that "Read" and "help" are four letter words that are to
be avoided!


Right click Start button
Select Explore and/or Explore All Users.
Then open the Programs folder.
Create new subfolders then rearrange shortcuts.
You can also configure your programs list to scroll which results in one large
Right-click the Start button
Go to Properties
Click the Customize button.
Click the Advanced tab.
Scroll through the list until you see the item "Scroll Programs".
Check that and hit OK.


Well, Peter, no I didn't realise that at all! Not knowing much about Windows I am
never sure what I can get rid of and what I have to keep. I do have sortcuts on
the desktop to all the apps that I normally use, so if these files in the 'all
programs' are not needed I can certainly dump them.

Thanks for the info, much appreciated



As I am a long term Mac user I am used to logical and user friendly ways of
doing things - hence the crappy XP remark

And something as simple as cleaning up, as someone else has pointed out,
shouldn't be so unobvious



Ah perhaps it is not me that needs to read Jaxi old fellow - I tried that
and there is no advanced tab - just 'task bar' and 'start menu' tabs

David - who wonders why some people go out of their way to be objectionable -
especially when it turns out they don't know what they are talking about,
like Jax


Right on Chuck - that Jax does know what they mean, and he is damn good at
putting them into effect



Well, you have obviously never used a good operating system - not even the
diehards would call XP a good OS - but that is no excuse for your bad manners

David - who understands why his mum calls him bad dog


Thanks Taurarian

That works - I can now access some of the recently installed programs, though now
I know that I don't have to keep all the entries in this section, I will be able
to condense the list down



Frank Saunders, MS-MVP

David said:
Ah perhaps it is not me that needs to read Jaxi old fellow - I tried
that and there is no advanced tab - just 'task bar' and 'start menu'

David - who wonders why some people go out of their way to be
objectionable - especially when it turns out they don't know what
they are talking about, like Jax

Right click the Start button.
Click Properties
Click the Start Menu tab.
Click the appropriate Customize button.
Click the Advanced tab.
Scroll down the Start Menu items window until you find it.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC


right click on START, select Properties,Start Menu tab and Customize button,Advanced tab and scroll down to the option for SCROLL PROGRAMS and check it.

(e-mail address removed)

Hi All

When I click on 'All Programs' the window that comes up is now full of
programs/folders etc., That is, this window fills the screen and the
last lot of software that I installed can not be seen as the window does
not scroll vertically or horizontally.

What is the answer here? Surely even crappy XP cant put a limit on how
many applications you can install (well see and access I guess) but how
can I make this window scroll to see and access all my applications?


Mike Hall

The Mac OS runs only on Mac branded computers.. Windows XP is expected to
work on a professionally designed and assembled computer or a system cobbled
together by an eight year old kid and the family's pet hamster.. quit it
with the supercilious attitude..

Bruce Chambers

David said:
As I am a long term Mac user I am used to logical and user friendly
ways of doing things

I've seen Macs -- That statement a complete contradiction in
terms. Dragging the floppy drive icon to the Trash Can to eject a
floppy? How is that logical or user friendly?


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
both at once. - RAH

Bruce Chambers

David said:
Hi All

When I click on 'All Programs' the window that comes up is now full
programs/folders etc., That is, this window fills the screen and
last lot of software that I installed can not be seen as the window
does not scroll vertically or horizontally.

What is the answer here? Surely even crappy XP cant put a limit on
how many applications you can install (well see and access I guess)
but how can I make this window scroll to see and access all my


Learn to use the Help files. The only "limit" imposed by WinXP is
that users must learn to use it.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
both at once. - RAH

André Gulliksen

David said:
When I click on 'All Programs' the window that comes up is now full of
programs/folders etc., That is, this window fills the screen and the
last lot of software that I installed can not be seen as the window does
not scroll vertically or horizontally.

What is the answer here? Surely even crappy XP cant put a limit on how
many applications you can install (well see and access I guess) but how
can I make this window scroll to see and access all my applications?

One answer I don't see mentioned by anybody here: Ditch the fancy new-look
XP start menu. First, right click "Start", choose "Properties".

Oki, at this point I should point out that I am using a Norwegian XP, and I
can not verify 100% what the english names for the appropriate buttons and
options in the next steps are. But you should now be looking at a menu where
you can select between the new fancy start menu and the oldskool classic
start menu. Now select the classic start menu, click the Options-button next
to it (this one was inactive before you selected classic). Now you should
get a menu, where one of the top items (number 2 from the top on my
Norwegian XP Home) should say something about dynamic or personal start
menus. Make sure this is checked. You may also wish to make sure the "Scroll
programs" is checked.

Now you will find that your start menu has changed to the old Windows
95-look. You will also find that when you click Programs only the recently
used applications are actually visible, unless you click the arrow at the
bottom of the menu.

You may or may not like this style of start menu. But: Cleaning up the start
menu is still a good suggestion, no matter what kind of menu you like.

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