Alas poor Wilbur

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Cause maybe you expect people to be responsible?? You don't always know what your neighbours get up to, and I would expect if my neighbours had a large snake they wouldn't leave it in the garden unattended. That's the work of someone with very low intelligence.
bodhi said:
I also said I would kill the owner.

I understand nature perfectly well thank you. I watch animal documentaries, but I don't like watching animals kill other animals and I don't like the struggle. I'm not naive enough to believe the snake wasn't just acting on instinct.

Whether you would or wouldn't kill the owner of a snake who munched your pet cat is questionable.

I don't like watching animals kill other animals either but one still can't help but marvel when a big cat brings down a wildebeest for lunch, law of nature and fascinating stuff. Where would David Attenborough be without such footage?

bodhi said:
What I would ask though, is if a large dog had attacked and killed a cat, people would be calling for it to be put down, and I would be one of them. It's not because the snake isn't cute and cuddly, it's because it's doing damage to domestic animals, and in turn people's lifes.

I would also be asking for a dog that killed a cat to be put down because that would be the actions of a rogue dog who'd likely kill again. And I'm going to assume we have no wild dogs roaming our urban enviroments and countrysides and that any dog which killed is a domestically owned animal with a human being for an owner.

Therefore it would be 99% certain that it would be the influence of that owner that turned the dog rogue. Unfortunately, once a dog has been ill-treated, starved, neglected and subject to cruelty, it's rare that it will return to being a well-tempered animal so putting down would be the only answer imo.

The snake, however, isn't so trainable as a dog and will only react as far as I know on the needs of it's stomach. Therefore imo it should not be put down. So called animal lovers who would kill the snake that killed their cat are truly not animal lovers but surely are just weak willed vindictive humans acting out of spite and revenge without truly understanding the law of nature.

The real punishment in this case would be to confiscate the pet from the owner and ban them from owning animals for life as they are plainly not responsible enough to tend to the needs of a pet as exotic as a Boa Constrictor.

It would then be likely a new home could be found for the snake, probably a zoo or if not a private owner as they're expensive animals but if that was impossible then I guess the snake would have to be humanely put down as well.

Note the word 'humanely' all animal lovers and also the word 'legally' applies here.

bodhi said:
You can find this funny if you like, however it just show's an enormous lack of respect for people's feelings.

I do find it funny as I have often said in this thread but think about it - I find it funny from a distance. It's safe to laugh at things that are remote.

Do you really think I'd laugh out loud at the owners of the unfortunate moggie? How bitter and twisted can some people think of others? You make false accusations of me bodhi... The owners have my sympathy but it still doesn't detract from the humour of pussy-din-dins....

Humour takes many forms. It's also a great safety valve in times of stress, discomfort and horror.

Sometimes the awful and the absurd just have to be laughed at.
I started this thread but if I see things becoming less than civil I will not hesitate to lock it.

And that applies to me as well... ;)
I've been reading this thread with great interest and have noted different viewpoints. I have been a dog owner quite a few years ago and had hamsters when I was a kid.

First of all, the death of the cat was NOT the snake's fault. You can argue the the owner of the snake must bear the majority of the blame and that perhaps he should be banned from keeping snakes or even any pets. The snake should not, under any circumstances, be killed. It was simply following its inbuilt programming.

Mention has been made of dogs killing cats and the dog being put down but no-one has mentioned cats killing birds. Even domestic cats do this and there is a possibility that the dead bird could be my pet canary/budgie/parrot. So do you then have the cat put down? I can't see anyone suggesting this as an answer to the death of a pet bird.

I think that we are in a situation where we just have to accept that these things will happen very occasionally and that no amount of legislation will make the slightest difference. So,no, I did not sign the petition.
My mother has two cats and every now and then they catch a mouse or a pigeon or a sparrow.
You should see what happens when a cat catches a mouse....not nice. But it is nature. I signed the petition because hopefully the snakes owner may be taugtht a thing or two about looking after his pets.Are snakes not supposed to be caged?
Also, if a snake cant be tamed, can it be classed as a pet?

I went back to read the article again and noted that the moggie was in the neighbours garden not his own, so does this not make him the trespasser?

Its all a bit of a grey area but i dont think the snake should be put down now. Just the snake's owner takes better care of the situation.
Maybe the cats owners should have kept the cat indoors !!

What i do know is that forum members shouldn't be falling out or getting put out by other people's opinions.
We should probably just leave it there.;)

You wouldn't laugh at the owners of the cat because of respect. You would come onto an internet forum and laugh and joke about it, when there is a much bigger audience and a potential that members on here have lost pets in pretty horrible ways.

I started out replying to this thread saying that if it was my cat, I would have been over there and wouldn't hesitate to kill the snake to save my cat. I have never said that I would kill the snake by beating it to death with a broom or anything barbaric like that. I would also like to think that removing the snake from the owners would be the first act, and if the snake was to be put down, doing it humanely.

I do know that nature is a cruel beast, of course I do. One of my cats couldn’t catch a cold, my dad once saw it outside sitting about 6 inches from a Shrew who was cleaning it’s face, and my cat was just there looking at it. Wish my dad had taken a photo!! Lol. My other cat is a monster, he’ll chase and kill anything. I have seen what happens when a cat catches a mouse, it’s horrible. If I ever see my cat chasing anything I always go out and grab him and bring him in. That’s called being a responsible owner. It goes against nature, that’s what having a DOMESTIC pet is all about. You have domesticated an animal, therefore you are changing it’s behaviour.

I do understand nature, and it would be good if people took the time to understand evolution, from savages to civilised, from wild animal to domestic pet.

It might be best to lock this thread soon anyway. I have a job and this is taking up too much of my time!! Hahahaha.

It’s good that everything has remained civil though, these are the discussions you will get sometimes on a forum. And while floppy and I are not going to agree on this one anytime soon, if everyone had the same opinion then I think forums would be a bit boring.

Right, I’m off to find something controversial to post. ;)
Me bad I know, but who cares...


Abarbarian said:
I don't get it Madx :confused:

Whats so bad about washing your meat before you eat it ???

LOL When I read the first bit of yur comment I thought "F8ck me" has Abar lost it or what. Then I reat the 2nd bit and near p*ssed mesen laughing...YOur comment has to top the scales........
Madxgraphics said:
LOL When I read the first bit of yur comment I thought "F8ck me" has Abar lost it or what. Then I reat the 2nd bit and near p*ssed mesen laughing...YOur comment has to top the scales........

Couldn't have done it without your picture .

I thought he was polishing his shoes...he's washing the grass off

i know, its poor. couldn't help it though.

I'm blaming the night shift on it.;)
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