Alas poor Wilbur

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floppybootstomp said:
it struck me as funny :o

Whatever you do, (e-mail address removed) tell TC or itsme. ;)
Four-year-old Wilbur, who lived with his owners in the Brislington area of Bristol, was apparently ambushed by the reptile in a neighbouring garden.

Of course he lived with his owners, where else would he have livced ? Could he have rented a room at No. 23...?

Second link did make me laugh to,but it is stilla sad case...
My mother has two cats and if she read that she'd be over to sort that snakey handbag maybe LOL.
Bet TC wont like this.

floppybootstomp said:
We knew him well :D

It's a jungle out there :lol:

I know, me bad, but it struck me as funny :o

Hi Flopps,
I decided to sign the petition and received a verification mail. This mail pointed out the date which all sigs had to be in by....october 24th 2009....they have 1044 sigs already.
How many sigs do you think they will need before there are changes made to the system.
Cant help but remember the poor doggies from last month.

In my lifetime I've owned both cats and snakes.

I prefer cats to dogs and no, I'm not Gay.

I think cats are great.

I think snakes are great.

That petition is just sour grapes from a cat owner.

Had the Boa Constrictor munched somebody's tortoise cat-owner couldn't have given a damn.

People get too over-affectionate on animals that look cute.

Most living entities, including all our pets, have feelings.

I won't sign that petition, don't agree.

Perhaps though, big snake owners should maybe consider secure enclosures and also feed their pets more regularly.

Human beings and animals. Never trust anybody who says they trust a dog more than a human for they are severely lacking in their basic understanding of animal intelligence.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

now that, was right up my street. :nod:

people are really stupid
The way I see it, we have laws which rule on the keeping of "dangerous" dogs, so that they have to go-walkies wearing a muzzle, etc. But, sadly, the law does not allow for idiots. If it did, then we would not read about tragic incidents which involve small children and large dogs of certain breeds.

It really only takes a moment's lapse of concentration, or distraction for something awful to happen, if the circumstances are right. I am not going to cite any particular story here, it would not be appropriate. We have all read about them.

Occasionally, we hear stories which are not so straightforward. The ones involving a dog, or dogs, which are being kept responsibly; the owner has taken every measure to ensure that his garden is well-fenced, gated, warning notices, etc. But STILL a youngster will venture up and over the "barricade" either as a dare, or to retrieve a ball, etc., with tragic consequences. Not only for the child, but the dog too. Because even though he is minding his own business, in his own "safe" garden, someone has chosen to enter.

When a parent wants a petition to be signed, or bays for a dog's blood, is that sour grapes too? I believe it is, when it is their own offspring who is at fault (at the age they would need to be, to scale a 6 or 8 foot fence, they are likely to be aware that they are doing wrong.) But, children must be protected, so most of us will twitter and cluck and feel that "justice must be done" so kill the canine!

So what about snakes, etc? If there are no laws at all governing them, then what if Monty Python decides to give a wandering toddler a nice "hug?" Like with the dog scenario, it could probably happen, regardless of laws, but, at least if they exist, then the people who choose to keep pet snakes, etc., would hopefully be required to adequately house them and not let them lie around in their garden. Heck snakes can travel about a bit more easily than dogs, I would have thought - up trees, etc.

You can probably tell by now that I am fond of dogs as well as cats ;) and yes, I did find that story very sad. However, cats are no respecters of fences, gates, etc., they will venture where the mood takes them, unwisely sometimes. :nod:

But hands up, yes, I did sign the petition, and no, I wasn't motivated by sour grapes - but let's be fair, a blooming great python, or boa constrictor, is an animal which surely requires responsible ownership. So, if a "law" helps, then let's bring it on. It will probably not prevent ALL incidents, but just might help to reduce a few.
Taffycat said:

Y However, cats are no respecters of fences, gates, etc., they will venture where the mood takes them, unwisely sometimes. :nod:

Curiosity Killed the Cat.....................:p
Thats it I am getting a TIGER na three... make a boa of myself......


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I just read that story a second ago, and I have to say, if that was either of my two cats I would have been straight over the garden fence with a knife and would have had that snakes head off quick smart.
Our cat, who is on the podgy side has today started to look out the cat flap before venturing out.
Could she know something we dont, or is she just waiting to see if anyones about?
feckit said:
Our cat, who is on the podgy side has today started to look out the cat flap before venturing out.
Could she know something we dont, or is she just waiting to see if anyones about?

Maybe yor kitty read the story while you were in the
Sorry ..if i heard blood curdling screams from my pet inside a snake...then about 5 minutes later it would be at home being rinsed off :)
What's the difference between blood curdling screams from a cat (selfish, self-centred, pretty much useless) and a piglet (Sociable, friendly, useful for keeping the ground friendly and a source of food)?

Oh, right, the cat is covered in fur and looks cute whereas the pig is kinda ugly and un-cute.


Hallmark card syndrome.

Pretty much stupid really.

To decapitate a Boa Constrictor, first you have to catch it :)

You go, Kaa... ;)
Rush said:
Sorry ..if i heard blood curdling screams from my pet inside a snake...then about 5 minutes later it would be at home being rinsed off :)

Yeah right...Just remember a 13 foot Boa has a strike of about 0.00005 seconds.....That is about 50 times faster than a Quad core running at 3.8ghz.....Only thing you would be rinsing off is your own p** and p*ss. or blood from his 100 plus razor teeth...
For th mods/Admin...Can I post a Youtube video of a Boa striking...? Tkhught I would ask first as it is a bit well not nice..Well for the animal lovers anyway..Not saying i'm not one that is..I have a G Stripe Ball Python and cats and dogs and they all get onjust fine.... Feed the snake properly and they are harmleass...Don't feed and they will strike..Simple nature of any wild animal...Leave a cat alone for a period unfed and they will eat anything. HAs no one read the story of the poor old dear that snuffed it and her catsate her face off cause they was a bit peckish..? Appologies if my post is a bit close to the knuckle in the way I describe things..
If you really want to post a link to a snake munch I guess it's ok.

I have always said this - those people who think cats and dogs are cute - starve them and they will sudennly stop seeing you as benefactor and instead see you as food. Humans have morals, animals do not - simple.

As I mentioned earlier, animals are rarely, if ever, at fault, it's their human owners.

Whoever owned the Boa that ate the cat was at fault for not feeding it, an irresposnsible owner who should rightfully be banned from keeping pets.

Who breeds Pitbulls, who trains dogs to fight? Who organises cock-fights? Dancing Bears?

Savages? Animals? Humans? Blur the line...

Unfortunately when it comes to owning pets a human being does not have to own a licence proclaiming he/she has a brain.
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