Radium wrote:
This PC is built in such a way that it freshly generates the correct
electric signals ["on the fly"] instead of playing them back from its
ROM chips.
There are sets of instructions stored in ROMs. In the case of most PC,
these instructions load before the CPU "knows" it has a hard drive or
other peripheral devices. However, in my dream PC, those instructions
be generated in real-time instead of storing them.
To put it simply, what I am describing is a PC that does not need to
store any information because all of the signal codings for the info
is generated in real-time.
Generated from what? Pixie dust?
Please explain *in detail* how the first three such instructions
are generated.
Digital electrical generators. Similar to hardware digital tone
generators except it produces digital electric signals corresponding
to data other than tones. It's a hard-wired PC. Read the Wiki-quotes
and my responses to them.
quotes from
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microcode :
"Each machine instruction (add, shift, move) was implemented directly
with circuitry. This provided fast performance, but as instruction
sets grew more complex, hard-wired instruction sets became more
difficult to design and debug."
I still prefer the "hard-wired instruction sets"
"a bug could often be fixed by replacing a portion of the microprogram
rather than by changes being made to hardware logic and wiring."
But I still prefer the "hardware logic and wiring".