Dave Peterson said:One more thing...
I've always thought that it's better to use more sheets than try to jam things
into a single sheet.
You may want to consider moving the criteria range to its own worksheet (and
hide it???) and the extraction range to its own worksheet. It shouldn't be too
many changes to your code.
And it may make creating the criteria range easier--just clear the entire sheet:
with worksheets("criteria")
.range("2:" & .rows.count).clear
end with
And with the extraction sheet:
With worksheets("Extract")
end with
or even create the sheet from scratch each time:
on error resume next
application.displayalerts = false
application.displayalerts = true
on error goto 0
set rgextract = worksheets.add.range("A1")
rgextract.parent.name = "Extract"
=1945 <=1954