Adopt-a-Rig for The PCReview Crew


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
What is the purpose of Adopt-a-Rig?

The Adopt-a-Rig program is designed to take spare unused computer parts, and put them to good use by building a functioning system that can "fold" for the PCReview World Community Grid Team.

What do I get out of donating parts or hosting a rig?
The main benefit is in helping medical science find cures that could save lives! By donating computer parts you are helping to build a machine that can accomplish this. If you are chosen as a host, then you get the pride of being one of the chosen few to host an Adopt-a-Rig for the PCReview World Community Grid team.

Who do I contact for questions, donating parts, or hosting a rig?
Please contact muckshifter for any questions, concerns, or comments about the Adopt-a-Rig program. Inquiries about cash donations should go to Ian Cunningham (Please include in the subject "Adopt-a-Rig" for a faster response).

Initially, the hosting of any PC will be at mucks' ... if we have enough interest and donations of components then the scheme will be widened to accommodate any Team member willing to Host.
Rules For Submitting Adopt-A-Rig Hardware;

1) Hardware must be in good WORKING condition, please don't send us anything that doesn't work!
2) All shipping costs are the responsibility of the person donating the hardware. (Please PM muckshifter for the address to ship donated hardware)
3) All donated hardware becomes the property of the PCReview World Community Grid Team.

While we will do our best to utilize all hardware we receive, please understand that some oddball or rare components might not get used if compatible parts are unavailable.

Rules For Being A Valid Adopt-A-Rig Candidate: subject to availability

1) Team member must be in good standing and have shown dedication to the PCReview World Community Grid Team for the long haul. The team member must have been actively folding for the PCReview World Community Grid Team. Past participation and contributions are taken into account. The PCReview World Community Grid Team is recognized as a team, as is recognized by the World Community Grid project, hosted by World Community Grid.

2) The member must be able to provide the Adopt-a-Rig machine with a safe and secure environment for an extended period of time - this means an indeterminate period.

3) You must be knowledgeable in building & maintaining computers and loading operating systems, and all that is entailed. In the event the computer should fail, the host is expected to make good faith efforts to repair it. The host is NOT expected to pay any repair costs out of pocket. We will send a replacement part should something fail (or I can reimburse you if its decided that it would be easier/cheaper to pick up the part locally). The only thing required of the host is to swap out the components to get it back up and running.

4) Dedicated, "always-on" Internet connection 24/7 is essential, 56K and up, and a free port on an existing network. If the Internet connection should fail, the host is expected to make good faith efforts to get back on line as soon as is possible.

5) The computer must run and as a result, "Fold" 24/7 exclusively. (If you go on vacation or leave for an extended period of time you are allowed to turn it off.) Said computer is not intended to replace your computer for gaming, etc. Keep in mind that 24-hour operating will increase your electricity bill by up to a few ponds per month (rates vary by provider and geographic area). The Team expects the host to make good faith efforts to keep the computer running as much as is possible.

6) The computer shall Fold for team, under the user name of "PCReview_X" (X = Adopt-a-Rig machine number/name) exclusively. The team can/will monitor the rigs output by way of statistics provided by WCG, PCReview stats, and the like. Be sure to install the user name as shown here so as to be consistent with the other Adopt-a-Rig computers.

7) In the event the host can no longer support the adopted computer, or he/she is not able to run the computer for an extended period of time (that being 4 weeks or more), it is to be returned to the owner (Ian Cunninham), or a PCReview folding forum moderator, or an administrator within two weeks. The shipping costs involved with returning said computer shall be the responsibility of the host. (Under special circumstances we can help out with the return shipping costs.)

8) The host must be 18 years of age or older, and must live in the United Kingdom.

9) When contacting us about becoming a potential host, any useful info like internet connection, hosting facilities, and experience would be helpful.

1. All team-donated parts that go into an Adopt-a-Rig donated World Community Grid computers are property of the PCReview World Community Grid Team. The parts the host provide are his own.
2.'s owner(s), and/or administrator(s), and/or Folding moderator(s) reserve the right to amend these rules as required.
3., and/or its owner(s), and/or administrator(s), and/or moderator(s), and/or member(s), and/or sponsors shall not be held responsible or liable for any losses incurred either directly, or indirectly as a result of hosting any Adopt-a-Rig computer. The host selected shall bear full responsibility for said computer. By applying to be selected as a host, you acknowledge you understand, agree with, and will abide by these rules as set forth here and as may be amended in the future as required.

NOTE: This entire project and the rules set forth above is/are based on TRUST. We, the team, trust that you, the host, will do all you can to keep the computer folding as much as is possible, in its name, for the PCReview World Community Grid Team. You, the host, trust, that we the PCReview World Community Grid Team, support you in every way we can.
Your comments and thought would be greatly appreciated ... along with any offers of donations.

I'll continue to monitor this thread and will hopefully start a new thread of components.

Thank you. ;)
I have don some digging around ...

List to date of components ...

1 x Creative 4x CDRom drive
1 x Mitsumi 4x CDRW
1 x Light-On DVD/CDRW Combi Drive
1 x 80gig Hard Drive
2 x AGP/x2 graphics cards (old but working)
1 x Enemax EG365P Power Supply Unit

Donor = mucks
1 x DVD
1 x CDRW
Any cables required!
250W ATX Power Supply
rummaging for other bits now...
Sounds good to me Mucks - well done on producing this detailed thread - must have taken you ages!!

You can count me in, and as I've said elsewhere I am willing to spend £100 to purchase an item/items of hardware to donate - just let me know whats needed......:thumb:

I am also willing to host a computer in the future:)
Riva TNT 2 AGP Graphics Card 32Mb
Pentium 3 700MHz + RAM that goes with it
Case + PSU (though cant post as too expensive)
About 3 million unopened ASUS IDE ribbons
About 3 million unopened ASUS + ABIT S-ATA Cables
Couple of 80mm Fans
Asus A7N-VM266 (Socket A 266MHz) Onboard graphics, Sound, LAN
Maybe a 5Gb Hard Drive in the attic
CPU thermal compound
Windows 2000

Cant really afford to post anything weighty at the moment...but i am more than happy to play host to a dedicated machine.

I have a monitor with 2 inputs in my room, and my rig runs off the DVI leaving a free VGA port - i can switch between the two with the puch of a button.

I have a spare wireless key in the house so a permanent internet connection is no problem

Power no probs, i have had my rig on for a week non stop - and the type of machine we'd bulid isn't exactly top of the range.

As far as experience goes, i built all the computers apart from the laptop in my house (and they all work) and i regulary build new systems for friends and family friends. None of which have blown up yet. I have all the required tools needed, and would be able to run a machine sitting next to my current one, on the floor.
Ian Cunningham said:
1 x DVD
1 x CDRW
Any cables required!
250W ATX Power Supply
rummaging for other bits now...
I have cables ... but always can do with some spares if you do not need them ... I have had instances where certain MBs would not work with any cable but their own. So yes please.

Your are first on the list. ;)

A donation of £100 will go some way to building the fist 'cruncher' as we are lacking MB, CPU & ram. We don't need anything fancy in the PC, so yesterdays technology will not hurt. :D I know where I can haggle and am quite sure I can get a couple of other bits thrown in as well. :thumb:
if someone sends me an old athlon or duron and some PC2100 RAM then i think i can make a computer that just about works! Can load Windows 2000 onto it... the HDD speed dosent matter does it?!
christopherpostill said:
Riva TNT 2 AGP Graphics Card 32Mb
Pentium 3 700MHz + RAM that goes with it
Case + PSU (though cant post as too expensive)
About 3 million unopened ASUS IDE ribbons
About 3 million unopened ASUS + ABIT S-ATA Cables
Couple of 80mm Fans
Asus A7N-VM266 (Socket A 266MHz) Onboard graphics, Sound, LAN
Maybe a 5Gb Hard Drive in the attic
CPU thermal compound
Windows 2000

Cant really afford to post anything weighty at the moment...but i am more than happy to play host to a dedicated machine.

I have a monitor with 2 inputs in my room, and my rig runs off the DVI leaving a free VGA port - i can switch between the two with the punch of a button.

I have a spare wireless key in the house so a permanent internet connection is no problem

Power no probs, i have had my rig on for a week non stop - and the type of machine we'd build isn't exactly top of the range.

As far as experience goes, i built all the computers apart from the laptop in my house (and they all work) and i regulary build new systems for friends and family friends. None of which have blown up yet. I have all the required tools needed, and would be able to run a machine sitting next to my current one, on the floor.
Chris ... we may help with the postage ... but if things go well ... you are well on the way to become a "host" for the team.

You bring up a good point about the OS software ... we don't actually need any as I'll be using Linux.

However, if we do decide to 'open up' to all crunchers, then they will need an OS they are comfortable with. I have a supply of OS software also ... from 95 to XP64bit ... and I can get more. :thumb:

My goal is for 5 systems ... can we rise to that. :cool:
Well, it looks like Chris has a working cruncher with a Duron + Ram (cheap and common!)

Mucks needs MB, Case, Ram, CPU (I'll ask some friends if they have any spare bits!)
Actually, I think I've got a P4 motherboard somewhere - I'll have a hunt for it!

Where on earth did I put this thing!!! I've only got 2 rooms, but I'm sure I've got one :)
muckshifter said:
A donation of £100 will go some way to building the fist 'cruncher' as we are lacking MB, CPU & ram. We don't need anything fancy in the PC, so yesterdays technology will not hurt. :D I know where I can haggle and am quite sure I can get a couple of other bits thrown in as well. :thumb:

Mucks, Chris is not far away from getting a rig up and running, so if no-one has a spare MB, CPU or RAM to get to you, get a price and let me know and I will send the money....:thumb:
Adywebb said:
Mucks, Chris is not far away from getting a rig up and running, so if no-one has a spare MB, CPU or RAM to get to you, get a price and let me know and I will send the money....:thumb:
Oh that is easy ...

MIDI ATX (400w) Case
K7S41GX (skt A)
Sempron Skt A 2400+
512Mb DDR 400


... now that is without my 'discount' and without any haggling ... the other advantage I have ... I can get the bits on Saturday and not pay for a week or three. :D

I'm sure I can get a couple of free 'damaged' cases too. ;)
christopherpostill said:
Linux...sounds good.
It is Free ... but you brought up a good point if we do 'open up' for all crunchers.

Ok folks, I've posted a little something about World Community Grid and The PCReview Crew II in the main news :)
Thats great BEX - Well Done!!
muckshifter said:
Oh that is easy ...

MIDI ATX (400w) Case
K7S41GX (skt A)
Sempron Skt A 2400+
512Mb DDR 400


... now that is without my 'discount' and without any haggling ... the other advantage I have ... I can get the bits on Saturday and not pay for a week or three. :D

I'm sure I can get a couple of free 'damaged' cases too. ;)

Thats great Mucks - at that price I might get you to get some bits for my personal use!:p
Adywebb said:
Thats great Mucks - at that price I might get you to get some bits for my personal use!:p
No problem ... 'discount'' ain't always that great, but the buy now pay later isn't too bad. :D

I had to laugh though, a 64 bit CPU (754) was cheaper than that Sempie :rolleyes: