Hi Brian,
Here you have a code using the ADO.NET OleDb Provider and
StreamWriter that is 6 to 8 times faster than your ADODB method:
Sub Reward100(ByVal dbname As String)
'the first person to provide me with a ADO.net based function
that will insert the 30,000 records into the database
'as shown in the other functions of this class will receive a
cashier check for US $100. There is only one reward
'no other external references aloud
'reward code goes here
'Test inserting 30000 records into an Access database table
using StreamWriter and ADO.NET.
'This function is 6 to 9 times faster than the ADODB method
Dim x As Integer
Dim d As Date
Dim FormatProvider As IFormatProvider =
Dim writer As New StreamWriter("Table1.txt")
'insert records into a file text'
For x = 1 To 30000
d = DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, x, #1/1/1925#)
writer.Write("M1") : writer.Write(vbTab)
writer.Write(d.ToString("d", FormatProvider)) :
writer.Write(x) : writer.Write(vbTab)
writer.Write(x ^ 2) : writer.Write(vbNewLine)
'create Schema.ini
writer = New StreamWriter("Schema.ini")
writer.WriteLine("Format = TabDelimited")
writer.WriteLine("ColNameHeader = False")
writer.WriteLine("Col1 = name Text Width 50")
writer.WriteLine("Col2 = recdate DateTime")
writer.WriteLine("Col3 = num Single")
writer.WriteLine("Col4 = num2 Single")
'insert records into Access Database
Dim conString As String =
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & dbname & ";Persist
Security Info=False" Dim cn As New OleDbConnection(conString)
Dim query As String = "INSERT INTO Table1 " & _
"SELECT name, recdate, num, num2 FROM [Table1#txt] " & _
"IN '" & Application.StartupPath & "' 'Text;';"
Dim cmdInsert As New OleDbCommand(query, cn)
End Sub
Regards from Madrid (Spain)
Jesús López
bdwest said:
I am sponsoring a contest to see if someone can come up with
ADO.net code to
insert records into a MS Access 2003 database faster than ADODB
methods (MS
ActiveX Data Object 2.x library). My experiece has shown that I
can write records to Access at least 4 times faster using ADODB
methods in a Visual Studio 2003/2005 project as compared to any
ADO.net methods. I want to see
if this is due to my ignorance or a problem with ADO.net and Access
2003 databases.
From the link below, there is a test project available that has
five methods
of writing to an Access database, an ADODB method and 4 versions of
methods. The time to write 30,000 records is timed for each
method. The code is written in VB.net.
There is a $100 reward to the first person who can use ADO.net
methods that
beat the ADODB methods working within the confines of the rules.
Note there
is only one reward.