Add to right click menu in explorer

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andy
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I forgot how to add new things to the menu when you right click on a file in Windows explorer.

|I forgot how to add new things to the menu when you right click on a file
in Windows explorer.

It depends on what you want to add and what
you want it to do. I'm guessing you mean something
like Open with Notepad. Assuming you want it to
show for all files, you can do the following:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Open With Notepad\Command

The Open With Notepad key's default value should
be what you want to see on the menu. The
Command key's default value should be the command
line. Explorer then runs the command line with the file
path as parameter. For Notepad it's generally:

"C:\WINDOWS\System32\NOTEPAD.EXE" "%1"

You can also add similar functionality for specific
file types by putting the settings under those keys:


And you can add settings under Folder or Directory
subkeys to show when right-clicking a folder.
|I forgot how to add new things to the menu when you right click on a file
in Windows explorer.

It depends on what you want to add and what
you want it to do. I'm guessing you mean something
like Open with Notepad. Assuming you want it to
show for all files, you can do the following:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Open With Notepad\Command

The Open With Notepad key's default value should
be what you want to see on the menu. The
Command key's default value should be the command
line. Explorer then runs the command line with the file
path as parameter. For Notepad it's generally:

"C:\WINDOWS\System32\NOTEPAD.EXE" "%1"

You can also add similar functionality for specific
file types by putting the settings under those keys:


And you can add settings under Folder or Directory
subkeys to show when right-clicking a folder.

Thanks for the detailed help.

I would also like to move selected files to another drive and directory.

| I would also like to move selected files to another drive and directory.

Via right-click? The only way I know is to
use the SendTo menu, unless you want to
write your own program and call that like
the Open With Notepad menu.

I use SendTo for a lot of things. It won't
move to another drive but it will copy, and
there's no limit to the complexity. You can
put links to folders in the SendTo folder and
you can also create new subfolders, putting
links in those, which will then show up on the
menu. Like so:

C:\Documents and Settings\[yourUserName]\SendTo\Photos

You could create the Photros subfolder and
then put 3 links to other folders, named Family,
Nature and Architecture, in the Photos folder.
Then when you right-click a file and move down
to SendTo, you'll get a Photos submenu that
has those 3 destination menu items on it.
I would also like to move selected files to another drive and directory.

Easiest method ?

Open two file-explorer windows next to each other, with one holding the
source folder with the files and the other the target drive and folder.
Select the files you want to move and than press-and hold the *right*
mousebutton on those selected files (instead of the left one you normally
use). Drag the files to the target drive-and-folder and release the
mousebutton. A context-menu will pop up asking you how to handle those
dragged files. Choose "move". Thats all.

Alternative method:

Instead of the above you can also right-click-and-release the selected files
after which you get a contect-menu asking you stuff. Select "cut" from it.
Than go to the target folder (normally done in the same file browser
window), again right-click-and-release and than choose "paste" from the
context menu.

Both of the above can be done on a standard windows installation.

Rudy Wieser

-- Origional message:

Easiest method ?

Open two file-explorer windows next to each other, with one holding the
source folder with the files and the other the target drive and folder.
Select the files you want to move and than press-and hold the *right*
mousebutton on those selected files (instead of the left one you normally
use). Drag the files to the target drive-and-folder and release the
mousebutton. A context-menu will pop up asking you how to handle those
dragged files. Choose "move". Thats all.

Alternative method:

Instead of the above you can also right-click-and-release the selected files
after which you get a contect-menu asking you stuff. Select "cut" from it.
Than go to the target folder (normally done in the same file browser
window), again right-click-and-release and than choose "paste" from the
context menu.

Both of the above can be done on a standard windows installation.

Rudy Wieser

-- Origional message:

Thanks guys.

This moves selected files.


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="cmd.exe /c move /y %1 I:\\Windows_Files"

Easiest method ?

Open two file-explorer windows next to each other, with one holding the
source folder with the files and the other the target drive and folder.
Select the files you want to move and than press-and hold the *right*
mousebutton on those selected files (instead of the left one you normally
use). Drag the files to the target drive-and-folder and release the
mousebutton. A context-menu will pop up asking you how to handle those
dragged files. Choose "move". Thats all.

Alternative method:

Instead of the above you can also right-click-and-release the selected files
after which you get a contect-menu asking you stuff. Select "cut" from it.
Than go to the target folder (normally done in the same file browser
window), again right-click-and-release and than choose "paste" from the
context menu.

Both of the above can be done on a standard windows installation.


Or open one exlorer-type window, highlight the directory from which you
want to move files, highllight the files you want to move, use the left
pane scroll bar, if necessary, to find the destination directory but do
not click on it. (You may click on the + signs to open up
subdirectories, but not the directory names). When you see the
destination directory, click on the highlighted files to be moved and
drag them to that directory.

If going from one drive to another, the default is to copy, so use the
shift or cntl key (I forget which, but you can try them both without
hurting anything) to change that to move. When it changes to move, the
+ sign that accompanies the cursor will disappear.

When going from one dirve to the same drive, the default is to move, and
the same technique as in the previous paragraph will change that to
Or open one exlorer-type window, highlight the directory from which you
want to move files, highllight the files you want to move, use the left
pane scroll bar, if necessary, to find the destination directory but do
not click on it. (You may click on the + signs to open up
subdirectories, but not the directory names). When you see the
destination directory, click on the highlighted files to be moved and
drag them to that directory.

If going from one drive to another, the default is to copy, so use the
shift or cntl key (I forget which, but you can try them both without
hurting anything) to change that to move. When it changes to move, the
+ sign that accompanies the cursor will disappear.

When going from one dirve to the same drive, the default is to move, and
the same technique as in the previous paragraph will change that to

The registry method is easier and fewer steps.

In message <m9fbng$fe1$>, Mayayana
You could create the Photros subfolder and
then put 3 links to other folders, named Family,
Nature and Architecture, in the Photos folder.
Then when you right-click a file and move down
to SendTo, you'll get a Photos submenu that
has those 3 destination menu items on it.
OK, it's only for images, but I find IrfanView (doesn't everyone have
IrfanView?)'s F7 (move) and F8 (copy) options excellent for
moving/copying images (combined with spacebar for "next image"), at
least if you're tending to move/copy to the same ten or so locations.
But then I'm a keyboard junkie ...
The registry method is easier and fewer steps.

There is one thats, to me, even easier (no registry hacking needed, thus
easy to maintain & alter and has copy as well as move functionality):

-- Setting it up:
Open the "SendTo" folder and create a link in it to the folder you want your
files to be moved to (right-click-and-drag the intended target folder into
the "SendTo" folder, than select "create link" -- the same as you can do
with any file and folder)

-- Moving the files:
Select the source files, right-click them and select "Send To" from the
context menu. Keep the "shift" key pressed and from the presented list
select the folder-link you created in the above. Answer "yes" to the "are
you sure" question.

Remark #1: you can set up as many target folders as you like.
Remark #2: by not using the "shift" key you can also copy the files (instead
of moving them)

Rudy Wieser

-- Origional message:
The registry method is easier and fewer steps.


Also, I wasn't answering to compete with your method, but because Rudy
gave two methods and I was giving a third one similar to his two.
R.Wieser said:

There is one thats, to me, even easier (no registry hacking needed, thus
easy to maintain & alter and has copy as well as move functionality):

-- Setting it up:
Open the "SendTo" folder and create a link in it to the folder you want your
files to be moved to (right-click-and-drag the intended target folder into
the "SendTo" folder, than select "create link" -- the same as you can do
with any file and folder)

-- Moving the files:
Select the source files, right-click them and select "Send To" from the
context menu. Keep the "shift" key pressed and from the presented list
select the folder-link you created in the above. Answer "yes" to the "are
you sure" question.

Remark #1: you can set up as many target folders as you like.
Remark #2: by not using the "shift" key you can also copy the files (instead
of moving them)
Is remark 2 true regardless, or does it depend on whether the source and
destination locations are on the same disc or not, as with other
So you've got it working. Great!

Don't you have to type in the fullly qualified name of the folder you
want to move the file to?

It's in the reg key.

@="cmd.exe /c move /y %1 I:\\Windows_Files"
So you've got it working. Great!

Don't you have to type in the fullly qualified name of the folder you
want to move the file to?

It's in the reg key.

@="cmd.exe /c move /y %1 I:\\Windows_Files"
So it only moves to one location? That wouldn't suit my needs.

What is Tosh_Windows? That is, I think I mean, What is Tosh?
Is remark 2 true regardless, or does it depend on whether the
source and destination locations are on the same disc or not,
as with other moves/copies?

Good question. I assumed it would, but assumptions cause people to get
hurt. :-)

I just tested it on an XPsp3 system with files on both the root of C: and D:
and the target being the temp folder on C: (%TEMP%). Both the copy and
the move did what their names indicated, regardles the source-drive.

So, I think the answer is "Yes".

Rudy Wieser

-- Origional message:
J. P. Gilliver (John) said:
R.Wieser said:

There is one thats, to me, even easier (no registry hacking needed, thus
easy to maintain & alter and has copy as well as move functionality):

-- Setting it up:
Open the "SendTo" folder and create a link in it to the folder you want your
files to be moved to (right-click-and-drag the intended target folder into
the "SendTo" folder, than select "create link" -- the same as you can do
with any file and folder)

-- Moving the files:
Select the source files, right-click them and select "Send To" from the
context menu. Keep the "shift" key pressed and from the presented list
select the folder-link you created in the above. Answer "yes" to the "are
you sure" question.

Remark #1: you can set up as many target folders as you like.
Remark #2: by not using the "shift" key you can also copy the files (instead
of moving them)
Is remark 2 true regardless, or does it depend on whether the source and
destination locations are on the same disc or not, as with other
J. P. Gilliver. UMRA: 1960/<1985 MB++G()AL-IS-Ch++(p)Ar@T+H+Sh0!:`)DNAf

Now, don't worry. We'll be right behind you. Hiding. (First series, fit the