"Jack D. Russell, Sr." <[email protected]> wrote:
G> I'm still waiting for a proper vote to be conducted on this
G> matter, but I'm sure that if anyone tries to initiate such, they
G> will quickly get jumped, beaten and discredited as being a Troll,
G> Trouble Maker, Miscreant and anything else to deny the possibility
G> of a proper vote being conducted which just might change the
G> outcome of the previous event.
Don't hold your breathe waiting for that to happen. Let's just all hope
that natural selection has culled the chaff and that now the wheat can
grow even better.![]()
It's not as if only select people can call for a vote Jack. Anyone can. In
response to your reply in which I asked what it will require to appease you you
stated more of an "official" vote was in order.
Ok, I propose an "official" vote concerning Pricelessware.
(I hope it goes over better than Sieste's proposal)
One issue: Is there an official PL site. If so, which is it.
Second issue: Who wants to conduct the online vote for Pricelessware.
I nominate Susan to conduct the online vote. If anyone else is interested please
make it known. Susan has done a superb job for the last two years. If done by
someone with small dedication this could go very badly, however.
The conditions of this "official" vote need to be agreed upon here in ACF.
IE. the announcements, the timeline and deadlines, etc. Whatever you think needs
to be agreed upon to put all of this _far, far_ behind us all.
The time of the "official" vote is at the leisure of Garrett, as he is very busy
at the moment it seems, and it would only be fair that his new site be viewable
and debugged. Just make it known when you are ready Garrett and we will procede.
In the meantime, I can only ask that we each respect, agree to disagree,
whatever it takes to make ACF is _nice_ place to spend some time.
Is this reasonable and workable?