FromTheRafters said:
I liked it. Peter plays a rather dull character whos every inane
comment is taken for sheer genius. IIRC he even becomes
a presidential advisor on foriegn affairs and other matters of
He would have incited the current event of the unseating and
capture of Saddam by advising Bush to "weed the garden".
Sort of sounds like some of the things I have come up with while practicing
my style of Lego Programming. Sort of just sitting at the keyboard on my
pig machine with bits and pieces of this and that loaded into a form in a
Visual Basic project. Then asking myself "hmmm, wonder what would happen
if I did this" then type it in and the results give me an idea for a
completely different type of program.
That is sort of how I made my GraphicsExecuter, I asked myself, what
would happen if I had the program take the text that it was looking for
while steno'ing the picture and then define it as a string sort of a input
= t$ and then a simply piping the string into sort of a a$ =
a$ +b$ and any what it came out that if the string was the path to an
executable then it would run it. Very little of my code is elegant and most
of it is a kluge; but it all works, well at least the ones I give to others
work, lol
From the Desk of Sugien
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ino-Soft Software::::::>