Acer - very poor support

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Update about the wrong mainboard etc.: Received my Aspire 5022 WLMi about a week ago from Esplex, my laptop in a box and nothing else, no accompanying paperwork or any details about the repair they carried out.

It seems to be working fine, though. The mainboard is the correct one (the video chip is the ATI X700 with 128 MB RAM, as the original). No more screen flickering or sudden loss of backlight. I haven't had time to test the laptop in detail but, in fairness to Esplex, they seem to have got it right this time.

Thanks for all the helpful posts in this thread.

Hello there,

I used to work for Esplex in the call center in a senior position. Somewhere between a "drone" (as someone put it) and management. I've read these comments on here for a long time now with great interest and had to reply and perhaps give another perspective on some of the issues raised.

This post forms my personal opinion entirely.

I will warn you now, this is very wordy but some people may find it interesting.

Firstly, I have to state that I enjoyed working at Esplex. It was very challenging at times but also very rewarding. It must be said that the vast majority of people working at Esplex are hard-working, good people and I count some of them as my good friends.

Therefore, I would say that the people on this forum who has criticised the people working at Esplex haven't worked in a customer-facing role before and therefore do not understand the challenges of working with members of the public. That makes their opinion flawed. If these people cannot realise that their opinion is flawed, then they are being unreasonable (or stupid) and that means the issues they are reporting with Esplex have probably been created by their unreasonable attitudes.

Next, let me talk about Esplex as a company. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Acer Inc. This information you can find out from the website, but what it won't tell you is how Esplex actually fits into the Acer picture. At first my comments may seem pointless but please bear with me.

Esplex is split roughly into 4 bits - the Call Centre, the Repair Centre, 'Logistics' and the other admin-y type bits that every company has (HR / Finanace / etc).

The Call Centre takes calls from members of the public and deal with those call. Basically, there are 2 types of call - people reporting a fault or people chasing up faults.

Fault reporting is handeled by the technical support team who have at least basic IT knowledge (don't get me wrong, some people there are VERY IT literate). People chasing up faults are first dealt with by the Customer Services team. This is a team of people who (and I'm sure they will agree with me on this one) not IT Experts by any means. Sure, they can use computers and work with them every day but that doesn't make them experts.

When things go wrong with repairs, or when customers make complaints (and some customers complain about really silly things, trust me on that) it is dealt with by the Escalations team. This is a team mixed of people with a lot of experience dealing with customers and a couple of Techies who look at emerging issues, etc.

So, the lifetime of a call raised by a customer (the call centre being the first point of contact) should go something like this:

Report Fault to Technical Call Centre Agent
Call CityLink and get machine picked up / onsite (whatever warranty they have)
Chase Up repair with Customer Services

If required, complain to Escalations, etc.

Having worked in the call centre for a long time before I left, I can tell you a few things about it.

1) A lot of customers are a law unto themselves and seek to push themselves as far as they can without letting the natural call-lifetime model explained above go through. These people are selfish, arrogant people who beleive that they are more important than anyone else. Let me tell you, Esplex HAVE to treat every case as being of equal importance - it isn't our place (nor is it usually possible) to determine which person is of a higher importance than the other one. Of course, there are some cases that are clearly higher priority (for example, where someone has had the same fault a few times) and these are dealt with by the systems put in place within the call-lifetime model.

2) It is often extremely difficult for the Tech team to determine exactly what is wrong. Bear in mind, they are on the end of the phone a long way away and cannot see the unit. With computing sometimes faults are detected not by what a unit does, but by HOW it throws the fault, WHEN it throws the fault and what other things it does or doesn't do. This cannot be ascertained over the phone. Also bear in mind that many people who do purchase computing equipment are not technical and so cannot explain to the Tech what is going on. All of these factors mean that often the machine is coming in for repair with no real idea of whats up with it - THROUGH NO FAULT OF THE CALL CENTRE AGENT OR THE CUSTOMER. It is the very nature of troubleshooting on the telephone.

3) The systems that are used are being updated all the time, but it is still very hard to find out all the information that people request. It may seem like a cop-out to say "i can't tell you when you are getting the machine back" but it happens to be the truth. Esplex and Acer are very much aware that this needs to be vastly improved, but sadly magic wands which can be waved to put this change into place do not exist and we must indeed rely on the boring and time consuming practice of employing very expensive developers to go through the fun problem - feasability - analysis - design - implementation - test cycle. This takes time. Beleive me when I say, the system we had when I left is better than the system we had when I joined to an order of magnitude. This of course causes problems for the staff and thus to the customer because the customer expects (quite reasonably) to have answers to such questions as "when will I have my machine back" instantly. The problems come when customers get angry at not being able to get such answers instantly. This is the fault of the customer because the problem with the systems Esplex uses HAS been identified and IS being fixed but again, there is no magic wand to fix it instantly.

4) Customers are often very unreasonable. I'm sorry to say this, but there have been rather a lot of demands I have had on the phone that it wasn't possible to meet. Demands like "I want that laptop back in my hands by the end of the day". Sadly time travel hasn't been invented so the customer had to make do with 9am the next day.

5) The big one - CUSTOMERS DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEIR RIGHTS ARE. This effects Esplex in a couple of ways. Firstly, we have to deal with all the ignorant people who don't actually know what their rights are and are sometimes branded as "liars" as a result. Secondly, it wastes a lot of time because sadly we can't advise customers what their rights actually are. (We do that, we have given legal advice. We get caught doing that without legal training and accreditation and the advice is slightly wrong, we get our backsides sued. Therefore, not happening).

I will give you a nice hint about what I'm talking about here, but before you proceed bear in mind I'm not legally trained and therefore I urge you not to take what I'm saying as being correct, nor as being advice, just as a statement of my understanding of the law. If you want to find out what the law is, see a solicitor, the CAB or someone else qualified to advise you on this.

I am talking about the sales of goods act. Its quite simple really, the idea is that anything you buy from a shop should be fit for the purpose it was sold for. So, you go buy a washing machine, you take it home, you plug it in, it blows up. It wasn't fit for washing clothes, so the shop that sold you it legally has to replace/refund.

Now, a common misconception that customers always have is that its an Acer laptop therefore it is up to Acer to replace/refund it. This is not the case for one reason. Acer didn't sell it to you.

The next common misconception is that if a unit is in for repair for more than X days or Y weeks, then Esplex/Acer is obliged to replace. Again, this is not the case. Trading standard have NO set time frames. They use terms such as "in a reasonable length of time" but reasonable is not defined.

Customers expect "reasonable" to be defined by what THEY consider reasonable. But trading standards don't. "Reasonable" is defined on balance between what is reasonable for the customer and what is reasonable for the company. For example, if a unit was in for repair and the part was in stock and yet the unit sat there for a month, that would be very hard to justify as reasonable. Yet, if it was simply not possible to have the required part for 2 months or so, I suspect (depending on other circumstances of course) that trading standards would accept that as being reasonable.

These two issues I have talked through probably take up a very big (>50) percentage of the calls / letters into the call centre. If people knew their rights and if people understood what these rights actually meant, then guess what? Calls would take less time to get through, staff would be free to work on any underlying issues (such as systems! yay!) and staff would be less stressed. (I bet some people at this stage are thinking "i don't care if the staff are stressed, thats what they are paid for". These people are selfish morons. If you or your loved one was constantly stressed at work for reasons outside of their control you would care. So think before you comment.)

My last note on the call centre, you have to bear in mind that Acer/Esplex is a commercial venture and exists to make money. You may not like that, you may not care about that when you are waiting on a laptop being repaired but this is the cornerstone of a capitalist civilisation.

In a non-profit making company it would be wonderful to throw all the resources required into departments that need them. The call centre being a case in point. When I was there, we often didn't have enough of everything we needed (like staff / demo machines / etc).

But as I said, Acer/Esplex IS a profit-making venture. The Call Centre and Repair Centre is a major part of the business, but will always make a loss from what it brings in by its very nature. If you put yourself in the shoes of a boss of a business where one of your departments makes a loss and can NEVER make a profit, do you throw wodges of money into it or do you run it on a shoestring?

Again, people will be saying "I don't care about that" but these people too are selfish morons. If every company threw money away then every company would fold - no one would have jobs which paid money with which to buy laptops and computers in the first place. And civilisation would collapse as money became worthless and we all become unemployed, living on potatos in cardboard boxes under bridges. I don't want that.

Next we move onto the repair centre. I haven't worked there, although I worked closely with some people from the repair centre and became good friends with some of them.

The number of machines coming in vs the number of engineers working on machines is of a ratio of about possibly 30:1. We are talking 600 units in a day compared to 20 engineers. That sounds a lot, but each day Acer probably sells tens of thousands of units, so that really is a very small percentage.

If it takes an hour to repair a machine (very rough averages here), with 20 engineers then each day generates rougly 4 days of work for the entire repair centre. Therefore what is the answer? More efficient repairs, which means faster repairs, which means more mistakes make. The engineers are only human after all. Which leads to repeat complaints which leads to more work for the repair centre and the call centre. The engineers still work hard every day doing their best despite all the difficulties they have with parts etc (see comments on logistics later).

So whats the answer? Throw more money are the repair centre? See my comment about money and the call centre for why that won't happen.

So what IS the answer? If you can answer that, then you are a management genius and earn more money in a year than I will see in a lifetime, so good for you.

Lastly we have the Logistics part of Esplex. Logistics deals with getting parts in and sending parts out where they are needed. Something probably no one realises is that Esplex holds and manages parts for ALL ACER REPAIR CENTRES IN EUROPE, THE MIDDLE EAST and AFRICA. Not just the site in Plymouth.

Imagine that. The sheer volume of parts in and parts out makes it a logistical nightmare. I cannot recall exact figures but when I was working there it was around a MILLION parts moved around A WEEK. These parts require warehouse space, which requires packers, pickers, shippers, etc etc etc.

Demand for these parts is ESTIMATED on sets of statistics, etc.

The parts are usually not manufactured directly by Acer. It is a common misconception that Acer manufactures all of the parts in the unit. Acer manufactures the COMPUTER/LAPTOP/TV/WHATEVER from parts sourced from other companies. Therefore, another job role of logistics is to purchase the parts required from around the world (bearing in mind numbers are estimated) which are then shipped to Plymouth and distributed from there.

The poster who sent part supply problems are due to Esplex not paying bills is total nonsense and betrays a lack of understanding as to how the business world works. Do businesses pay for goods and services up front? Erm, no. Part supply problems are usually due to the nature of buying from around the world and delays that happen in import/export, stock levels etc.

Anyway, you have all this going on with the logistics team along with them liaising with other repair companies who buy parts from Acer directly, etc.

I've never worked in logistics but from my understanding of it as outlined above it sounds pretty difficult to me. I don't envy them.

How to resolve these problems, especially parts supply? Get more suppliers to send more parts! But how to do this without throwing money away, resulting in the scenario with cardboard boxes under bridges as specified earlier? Answers on a post-card please.

All in all, the logistics department is a fine balancing act and 99% of the time they get it right. The 1% that something bad happens can usually be traced to things outside of Esplex's direct control, but it is always down to 1 person somewhere. Guess what! They are human too!

So, after all that, to sum up, here is what I would like you to take away from my uber post:

1) Many problems are caused by unreasonable people. People become unreasonable either by a lack of knowledge or a lack of intelligence. This cannot (nor should it) be changed by Acer/Esplex.

2) Many problems are caused by the nature of the technical diagnosis being performed over the phone. This cannot be changed by Esplex without extreme financial loss by Acer/Esplex.

3) Many problems are caused by lack of information. This IS being resolved but will take time, therefore people getting frustrated by this fall into point 1.

4) Many problems are caused by part supply issues. This it outside of Acer/Esplex's control, therefore people getting frustrated by this fall into point 1.

5) Many problems COULD be solved by throwing money at it, but as said before if companies did that they would fold, making people lose jobs. If every company did that people wouldn't have jobs in the first place and our capitalist society would cease to exist.

6) People who have problems complain. People who don't have problems don't say anything. I'm sure if you had a truly representative poll on who has had problems and who hasn't the percentage of those who have is tiny, maybe 1% or 2%. Of course Acer/Esplex would love to see that number fall, but see point 5.

7) EVERY SINGLE COMPANY - EVERY SINGLE ONE - NOT JUST IT COMPANIES - will have faulty units and indeed the percentage across all the companies is pretty standard. This support board and the websites you get if you search for "Esplex Sucks" or whatever have been started by people who happened to buy Acer and had bad luck. Guess what? If they had purchased an HP or whatever their website would now be decrying them instead of Acer... The internet is a safe forum for complaining waaay out of proportion about something due to its safe, cosy, away from real life and has-no-accountability nature. Ever seen Acer on watchdog? Me neither.

And that, is that. If you've read the whole thing, well done. If you still work at Esplex/Acer and are reading this, I hope you will agree that what I have said is fair.


I say old bean ... spiffing what!

Yep, I read it all too ... :thumb:

I thank you for taking time to write. :)

That's quite alright old chap ;)

Annoyingly, it didn't put my PS on as I was typing away with the clock against me and had to leave before I could correct it.

But it said words to the effects of:

Having said all of that, the people you talk to at Esplex thrive on helping people out; they want to help you in any way they can. Please realise this when dealing with them and try not to direct your frustration at them!


My own experience with Acer/Esplex..

I read and digested all you said in defence of Esplex, but.
Over the past 4 years I have had 4 Acer TFT monitors, all had developed a fault within the manufactures 3 year warranty.Unlucky me!!
Getting a response from Esplex has never for me been the issue, staff very polite and helpful, but.
Getting my monitor's repaired and returned is another matter.
First one took 2 months, 2nd 6 weeks, 3rd 5 weeks ( getting better )!!
Last one, well this dragged on for 3 months, constant phone calls endless emails.
In the end I sent a letter to Acer head office telling them I was going to County Court.
Two days after the letter was sent I received a Phone call from Esplex.
They told me that my monitor could not be repaired and that they would be giving me a full refund.
True to there word they did.
Question is, would I use Acer products again! The answer is yes, but only if Esplex got their act together and dramatically improved there repair centre and give the same service as other manufactures, Rock laptops are one for instance.
Final note, Acer do make, in my opinion value for money products.

Hi biapow,

4 faulty monitors in 4 years? Wow that is terribly unlucky. I'd actually be interested to know what the faults where, if you want to discuss them. I may be able to ascertain if there was any reason for that as the chances of 4 monitors in a row going faulty are very small (there is probably more chance of you winning the lottery; bet I know which one you'd prefer ;))

For the last repair you had, I would agree that in your case you HAVE been let down; it should never have got to the stage where you had to threaten court action. My gripe above was about unreasonable people being, well, unreasonable but you clearly aren't being unreasonable.

The only issue I have is with people on this board (no names) who are complaining about totally unreasonable things or things that Esplex/Acer have no control over.

I would take your case as a 'case in point' - you clearly were let down by 'the system' so the refund came through quickly (actually I suspect it was in progress before you sent the letter about the court action, but I can't prove it and I'm bound to say that aren't I! :-P).

But I'm glad you got your refund.

Yes I think Acer do make great value products. Again, I am bound to say that, but I still firmly beleive that even after being in the thick of it the few times that the support system in place does go wrong.

I always bought Acer before I worked for them (I have an old Acer notebook that is about 5 years old and still working fine), and I always will again.


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The fault on all three monitors were, first one the panel stopped working, the other two suffered bad backlight bleed, so bad it could be seen on all colour's.
First three repaired and retuned ok, sold on.
Last one which was a 19 Ferrari, don't know just stopped working.


OK so it sounds for the first three like the panels had possibly related issues. Were they of the same model?

The only thing I can think of is that sometimes some end-manufacturers of panels (bearing in mind that Acer takes the parts and manufactures the end products) have issues with models of panels. If I still worked there, I would be very interested to see if similar models of monitor were having a large %age of the same kind of issues. Any other manufacturers who used the same types of panels in their monitors would have a similar problem as well, but of course I can't check that either!

It could of course just be sheer bad luck.

That doesn't help of course, and I'm still sorry that you had so many bad monitors. I left before they bought out the Ferarri monitors, so I can't comment on them sadly. Shame, they look rather nice...

But again, I'm glad you got it sorted - in the end.


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Acer Problems Continue

I have been waiting months for acer to replace my 19" widescreen monitor.
There customer supportless is completely useless,to the point of booking my monitor in for repair,courier collecting my monitor,now there saying they cant trace it in there warehouse.
I like others,have phoned Acers support and waited for over 20mins to get through,only to be dropped in mid conversation.
Have sent more than 10 email now and every time some idiot (they dont give you there full names,no guesses why) send standard scripted responses,stalling any progress as much as possible,whilst i have been stuck with a old 15" crt monitor and £170 down the pan.
They refuse to give the names or email address of there customer support manager or tech manager,that after requesting this in many of my email.
I am now in the proccess of getting acer to explain its shambolic actions live on national tv,with the help of the bbc.
And i will also consider taking them through the court system,costing them so much more than my replacement would have.
If anyone has issues with Acer like me,i recommend you contact the BBC Watchdog team immediately and tell them how Acer have treated you:-

By losing ground on the big three companies and losing money (like most have on this forum) ,i feel this is the only way to get any real customer care from ACER UK.

In my experience there warrantees are not worth wiping your bottom with.
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I must say that I find this forum most surprising. I have had over the past 5 years, at least 10 Acer products and every single one of them has been in a fine working condition and lasted the length of the warranty terms (may i add, that the warranties on some of the products Acer make, are far longer than other manufacturers.).

I once had a problem where they said that one of my TV's hadn't been recieved, and that there was no trace of it. Which, while inconvenient, I understood that these things happen. Thankfully, I wasn't an idiot and had kept a record of my serial number, courier reference number (on the docket the courier pickup guy left me), and the case ID i was given when the case was logged. Afterall, I had nothing to hide and give the agent all this information to help find my unit. It wasn't long after that that the agent I spoke to was able to locate my unit and it was prioritised for repair. Over all there may have been a problem but once it was resolved I was impressed by the quick response that I got. If those guys at Acer are reading these comments, thanks Steve!
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Acer Travelmate2200/Acer Aspire

In January of 2005 i purchased an Acer Travelmate 2200 laptop, from Comet and for the first six months it worked fine and there were no problems, i was very pleased with this. However after six months the laptop began refusing to accept power, either the laptop had a problem in it or the power cord was faulty. So i rang Acer customer services who were very helpful and told me it was probably the power cord. So they agreed to send out a replacement power cord and this subsequently arrived very quickly, however failed to work. I rang them again and had to wait 10minutes to get through to be told i had to open a new case as the old one had now been completed upon delivery, they then procceeded to tell me to ring back and press one, this was followed by the representative hanging up. I then rang back and was holding for over half an hour, when i finally got through they decided they would pick the laptop up and take it in for service, they then did so two days later and they kept it for 3weeks while they "waited for parts". THey then returned the laptop and shock horror it actually worked, i was relatively satisfied however still a little annoyed at the lenght of time i had been kept waiting. This was however not the end, less than two months later the exact same fault occured again. So i contacted Acer making them aware of the history with this laptop, and they suggested it could be a problem with the battery and sent out a new battery. This also failed to work. I again rang up and so opened another case, by which they took the laptop in for service again, this time they kept it for over a month, again waiting for repairs and returned it to me, and amazingly it worked. I was now quite annoyed with the company however happy my laptop now worked. another four months later, the laptop was now 12months old the same problem occured, i decided this was ridiculous and asked them to replace or refund my purchase, they refused liability and said they couldnt authorise that unless an engenieer had deemed the laptop broken beyond repair, all they could do was repair it. I was furious however i still sent it in for them and they repaired it again however some how managed to break the mouse on my laptop. I again asked them to replace it, at which point i also asked my home insurace company if they would be willing to provide a replacement for these faulty goods. The insurace company agreed, Acer did not, so i then sent the laptop off to my insurace company and they offered me a new Acer Aspire that was my only option and it would cost £50 excess and £150 upgrade charge, i was happy with this as i believe it would be a much better quality laptop and be built to a better standard. However i appear to have been wrong. After only four months the exact same fault has occured and they have sent out a replacement power cord, they have taken the laptop in for repair and sent out a third replacement power cord and it still fails to work, now they want to take the laptop in again. I have had it now and am wiriting to them demmanding a partial refund under the Sales of Goods Act as advised by consumer direct, if they reject my claim i will take them to the small claims court. I do not believe or expect Acer will grant me a refund or replacement however i do not believe they will actually send representation to the court, therefore i will win by deafault. If they do send representation i dont believe there is a judge in the land that would find in favour of such a big corporation over a hard up college student who has proof of all these failed repairs. Basically the moral of this story is stay away from Acer at all costs. Sorry for going on and ranting a little bit.
I bought an Acer 17" monitor about a year ago. 2 months ago it would not power on. I tested the adapter and that was fine, so the problem was with the monitor.

I called Acer's technical support, and got through to someone who was very helpful. The machine was booked in for repair, and I was given some courier details so the machine could be picked up. I called DHL and the machine was collected the next day.

After a few days of not hearing anything, I was a bit worried. I was told when I booked the machine in that I would receive a text when the machine was received and when it was ready to be sent back to me. I called technical support again, and again got through to someone who was very helpful. They asked me for the serial number for the machine, but I did not have it. I gave the agent the reference I was given then the machine was booked in. I was then told that the machine had not been received. I was asked to give the agent the courier reference. I had the document the courier left me when the machine was collected, and gave the agent the tracking number. I was then told I would be called in a few days when they had chased it up with DHL.

As promised, 2 days later, I received a call to say that the courier could not find my monitor. I was asked if I could fax Acer my proof of purchase so they could proceed with a replacement monitor. I faxed this to Acer.

1 week later I received a package. It was a brand new 17" monitor (newer model than the one I sent).

I understand that electrical products can breakdown, but by being patient and supplying some information, in the end I was better off for it!
Case in point: Someone not knowing their rights

charliecopsey said:
I have had it now and am wiriting to them demmanding a partial refund under the Sales of Goods Act as advised by consumer direct, if they reject my claim i will take them to the small claims court.

Hi there,

I'm sorry to hear you've been having such problems. But you should talk with the CAB about this before you do anything, otherwise you will just be wasting money...

Or check out the DTi website about the Sales of Goods act, and read it carefully. :)

See what happens when you are reasonable :)

Bunny Killer said:
I understand that electrical products can breakdown, but by being patient and supplying some information, in the end I was better off for it!

Spot on! Nice one! Again, I'm sorry that things went wrong but I'm glad it was resolved. Thank you for being patient :)


Buttonmoonspoon said:
There customer supportless is completely useless,to the point of booking my monitor in for repair,courier collecting my monitor,now there saying they cant trace it in there warehouse.

Ouch, not a nice thing to say based on your own personal opinion!

Buttonmoonspoon said:
I like others,have phoned Acers support and waited for over 20mins to get through,only to be dropped in mid conversation.

Actually I think you will find 20 mins isn't so bad. And remember this is a call centre in the UK... and if you were truly dropped in mid conversation talk to your phone company ;)

Buttonmoonspoon said:
Have sent more than 10 email now and every time some idiot (they dont give you there full names,no guesses why)

No, please do guess why. You'll be most surprised!

Buttonmoonspoon said:
send standard scripted responses,stalling any progress as much as possible,whilst i have been stuck with a old 15" crt monitor and £170 down the pan.

Standard scripted responses are standard in technical support. I'm sorry if they don't make you feel special enough, but realistically it would take so long to type out personalised replies that you would never have got a response.

Buttonmoonspoon said:
They refuse to give the names or email address of there customer support manager or tech manager,that after requesting this in many of my email.

Quite right too. Why should they? If you don't like the way things are being handeled you can write to the customer services address like everyone else has to.

Buttonmoonspoon said:
I am now in the proccess of getting acer to explain its shambolic actions live on national tv,with the help of the bbc.

Won't happen I'm afraid. Consider this: Acer are an enormous multi-billion pound company and are fully aware of what they do and don't have to do in each country they operate. You are clearly not aware of what they do and don't have to do in the UK.

The BBC know this and have the intelligence to realise that if they bring any company into disrepute without examples where they have clearly broken the law or have consistently offered a very very poor level of customer service and are doing nothing to resolve it, then the BBC will get their backsides sued and lose.

Buttonmoonspoon said:
And i will also consider taking them through the court system,costing them so much more than my replacement would have.

Under what grounds? Check the sales of goods act and consult a solicitor and see what they say :)

Buttonmoonspoon said:
If anyone has issues with Acer like me,i recommend you contact the BBC Watchdog team immediately and tell them how Acer have treated you:-

Yes, please do. Everyone has a right to their say :)

Buttonmoonspoon said:
By losing ground on the big three companies and losing money (like most have on this forum) ,i feel this is the only way to get any real customer care from ACER UK.

In my experience there warrantees are not worth wiping your bottom with.

So you have been let down and I'm sorry for that. But you don't need to spout off about how poor Acer is when you clearly aren't in command of all the facts.

Lets examine another totally ficticious company, lets call then Ledl. You would ring a number and be on hold for around the same length of time, and you would talk to a person in India who barely speaks English and tells you to switch the machine off. You do this, it doesn't work, so they tell you to arrange for the unit to be picked up. You do this, and you hear nothing. So you call them back, again to someone in India who can't understand what you are asking, so you ask to speak to a supervisor - there aren't any of course. Etc etc etc.

That is an example of a little situation I went through a couple of months ago on someone's behalf.

Not so different is it?

Anyway, peace and I hope your issue is resolved shortly.

Well, I've just had enough of Esplex now. Following 19 months of trying to get my camera repaired under warranty I have failed miserably. They have now refused to return me any camera at all which is tantamount to theft. Actually, it is theft.

So, it's off to the Small Claims Court - a prospect Esplex say themselves they are used to!
Flame on!

notbrazil said:
Well, I've just had enough of Esplex now. Following 19 months of trying to get my camera repaired under warranty I have failed miserably. They have now refused to return me any camera at all which is tantamount to theft. Actually, it is theft.

So, it's off to the Small Claims Court - a prospect Esplex say themselves they are used to!

What I say now is totally my own opinion and would not be anything like the response I would offer if I worked at esplex still.

With respect, I find your last post and the previous posts you have posted here to be perfect examples of the incredibly rude, arrogant and downright nasty things that some people seem to beleive are acceptable.

Let me tell you now, they are not. If one of your loved ones was treated like you seem to have been treating members of staff at Acer/Esplex you wouldn't be happy would you?

(In actual fact, Dee is a cracking lady but doesn't suffer fools gladly. I knew her well and she would only have said what you claim she said if you were, in fact, being rude and/or aggresive.)

Let me ask you - when you started having problems did you put your complaint in writing (not email, an actual, real letter?).

Also, when you sent in the accesories with the camera you should be aware that the agents on the phone should advise you (and do advise customers) NOT to send in any accesories. In fact, I beleive somewhere in the warranty it says not to send accesories in but I may be wrong having left Esplex a while ago now.

Obviously I am not aware of the entire circumstances of what has happened to your camera. Did it go wrong within 28 days of purchase? If it did then it is your fault for not knowing your rights in the first place. Check out what the Sales of Goods act says.

If it went wrong outside of 28 days, after the first failed repair (bearing in mind I don't know what the fault was - based on what you said I'm guessing it wouldn't read certain SD cards?) did you write a letter explaining the situation or did you, as I suspect you may have done, phone up and have a go at the agent on the end of the phone?

Cameras are a tricky thing. If the fault is what I suspect it is - being unable to read the 512MB cards you apparently sent in with the unit - then there is no fault. Bear in mind that camera was designed at a time when the capacity of SD cards was growng rapidly with slightly different makes using ever so slightly different specs is it any wonder that a 512mb SD card wouldn't work? Did it work with the SD card it was supplied with (if indeed it was supplied with one)? If it did, there is no fault. What was the make of SD card that wouldn't work? Did you even ask Acer which cards the camera was known to work with?

Purely a guess based on the common problems people have with SD cards. It might have been something else entirely!

In addition, I do not beleive for 1 minute that Esplex are refusing to send your camera back to you. What exactly did they say?

Anyway, I realise that this message is probably coming across quite rude and if that is the case, I apologise for causing offence - however I stand by what I have said.

I would be interested to read a reply :)


I do not have to be as 'polite' or as restrained as FaithDefender ... may I draw your attention to our Forum Guidelines ...

Flaming & Derogatory Remarks

Will not be tolerated. Whether it be directed at another forum member or a business. Statements such as 'Don't buy from retailer x as they are a bunch of lying cowboys', and someone replies 'thanks for the warning, I was going to buy from them but will go elsewhere', then the first post has led to a loss of business from the retailer and is therefore DEFAMATION and ILLEGAL. These posts will be deleted. Feel free to give an account of your experience, but please back it up with facts.

You, sir, are an insult to yourself ... have a nice day, but not on my forum. ;)
FaithDefender said:
Nice one :)

Well I'm getting a little fed-up with some of these morons ... oh, I ain't allowed to say that ... I'm afraid we haven't been taking as close an interest as we should have been in these threads, my apologies.

I am going to potter though all these posts, at my leisure, and just delete any I feel cross the line ... may make some of the replies look a little out of place though.

I'm sure you won't mind me closing this one ... :)

And may I just add to any more one-post-wonders ... if you do not have your "facts" to hand or just want to "let off steam" then please ... do it on another forum.

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