Maybe you didn't look hard enough.
I checked the specifications and the manufacturer's site. There is no such
requirement posted for that card but if it's so 'simple' why don't you show
me up and paste a link to it?
You linked to some website that had
something written on it by someone you don't even know, and you think that
link proves something?
I linked to a site that sells the card, Newegg to be specific, and who
includes the manufacturer's specifications for the card, gives you a link
to the manufacturer's web site so you can check it there if you don't
believe them, and has user reviews. It 'proves' the card exists and you can
buy it for $59.
And I have no reason to suspect the user is 'lying' about his experience
with it either.
Also, in the review you talk about, the guy even says
that Sapphire says the card is not supposed to work with a PSU less than
That is not what it says at all. It says, and I quote, "Ultimately called
Sapphire who confirmed that even though they recommend 300W, 250W would work."
In other words, it says exactly the *opposite* of what you just claimed it
did and, according to the user, Sapphire told him it *would* work with the
250 Watt PSU in his Dell.
If I were the OP and was thinking of that card I'd check with Sapphire just
like that person did to see if it would work in my system, just in case
there was something different between mine and his Dell.
You have a serious truth massaging problem.