Peter Weir
Kyle Brant said:|
| > Your card doesn't support 8x AGP so don't worry about that. Your
| > aperture isn't meant to match your cards memory. It should be set
| > whatever closest to twice the cards ram plus 12 megs, so set it to
| Ah - this I've never been too sure about. I'll give it a try to see
if it
| makes a difference!
| > You may want to check your AGP acceleration status by start ->
run ->
| > dxdiag.exe and you'll see it in the display tab.
| AGP Texture acceleration is enabled.
| >THe ATi smartgart tool
| > is know to have issues setting the AGP acceleration properly.
| Interesting one: from my experience with ATI cards, I initially
turned off
| the AGP fast-writes; Smartgart seems to be happy that my card can
run at AGP
| x4. I've just tried enabling fast-writes in the BIOS, but I expect
| smartgart will prevent this from making any difference...
| Peter
I have BIOS setup for fastwrites enabled and 8x and 64M AGP aperture,
but with my 8500 ATI card (64meg), smartgart shows FW disabled and 4x
mode. I did an in place upgrade of win2k when I installed my
a7n8x-dlx mobo (reinstall over current win2k install once mobo was
replaced). I have some faint memory of slower than normal video
response but can only suggest that I uninstalled and reinstalled the
ATI Catalyst drivers (am using ver 3.6) and installed nforce drivers
from asus (later upgrading to the 3.13 ver from nvidia) and my vid
card is working fine speed wise.
Can you run 3dmark2k1se and give us an update on the results. My
system resulted in about 103000 on the test (CPU: XP @ 2088 Mhz,
333Mhz Mem/FSB).
Just run twice, giving scores of 8386 and 8584.
Other info I haven't yet noted: in the BIOS, I have System Performance and
CPU Interface set to Optimal, Memory frequency is by SPD.