A2007 - OLE vs. Attachements

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jay Oken
  • Start date Start date
Fred said:
From what I've seen, this profane name calling by Steve represents a new low.

It's definitely a low point, but it's not a new low. This
behavior has occured many times over the years and is part
of the reason for the common response to his disregard of
community standards.
I'm simply an every day schlub
of a USER who has been asked to follow RULES. Now if the rules
can't be enforced then who is it that REALLY doesn't have a clue?

You're obviously a complete moron and proud of it. The result of
demonstrating that you don't give a rat's ass about learning about
the communities in which your are posting means that that I will
never read any of your posts ever again, nor offer you any comments
or assistance. Your probably don't care, of course, because if you
did, you wouldn't have posted such stupid statements in the first


JohnLute said:
I don't see it, either. So in this instance one could argue that StopThis
Advertising is in violation of harrassment.

This is Usenet. Simply KF StopThisAdvertising, job done.
Steve said:
The second sentence in the so-called Rules of Conduct states, "Please
avoid personal attacks, slurs, and profanity in your interactions."

You mean like calling someone a "Bitch"? Hardly professional behaviour is
it $teve? You've already run out of feet to shoot yourself in, what next?
Prospective "clients" are taking note, of that I have no doubt.
David said:
You're obviously a complete moron and proud of it.

Well, I'm not a COMPLETE moron. More accurately I'm a half-wit.
Miraculously, I've managed to maintain the half that works despite
enduring your glorifying pontifications about how much you know and
how little I don't.
The result of
demonstrating that you don't give a rat's ass about learning about
the communities in which your are posting means that that I will
never read any of your posts ever again, nor offer you any comments
or assistance.

If it helps you to sleep better at night...
Your probably don't care, of course, because if you
did, you wouldn't have posted such stupid statements in the first

No. I don't care what you think of me. At least the half of my wit
that I use doesn't. Is there a reason why I should?

Very original...
johnlute said:
Well, I'm not a COMPLETE moron. More accurately I'm a half-wit.
Miraculously, I've managed to maintain the half that works despite
enduring your glorifying pontifications about how much you know and
how little I don't.

Mr Fenton is, without doubt, one of the most talented Access developers on
this group and beyond. Sadly his lack of manners, his ego and attitude
problems always seem to get the better of him in situations he doesn't agree
with (he won't see this, he KF'd me years ago).
Mr Fenton is, without doubt, one of the most talented Access developers on
this group and beyond.  Sadly his lack of manners, his ego and attitude
problems always seem to get the better of him in situations he doesn't agree
with (he won't see this, he KF'd me years ago).

That's truly too bad. To my half-witted point that *IF* there was a
way to enforce the "rules" then the chances of things boiling up to
these temperatures would be very low.

MS should seriously consider abandoning this mess and creating a truly
moderated forum.
johnlute said:
MS should seriously consider abandoning this mess and creating a truly
moderated forum.

Well, I have no idea what MS is planning and what it intends to do with
NG in long terms, but I'd point out that there already are plenty of
moderated forums out there specifically for Access so you don't have to
wait on MS to provide one. Just google for 'microsoft access forums' and
I'm sure you'll find aplenty.
FWIW, I know you'd lose the support of many long-time MVPs who have no use
for web forums because newsgroup readers are far faster.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no private e-mails, please)

Mr Fenton is, without doubt, one of the most talented Access developers on
this group and beyond. Sadly his lack of manners, his ego and attitude
problems always seem to get the better of him in situations he doesn't
with (he won't see this, he KF'd me years ago).

That's truly too bad. To my half-witted point that *IF* there was a
way to enforce the "rules" then the chances of things boiling up to
these temperatures would be very low.

MS should seriously consider abandoning this mess and creating a truly
moderated forum.
I'm neither endorsing David's response nor condemning him for his language,
but my guess is that David is not likely to be picking up clients from users
of this newsgroup. His clients hire him because they are willing to pay for
his expertise in Access rather than spend time away from their own expertise
to learn "computer stuff".

I remember being on a consulting assignment, and needing an answer, asked an
employee of the client who was on duty in the quality assurance department
where batch jobs for their mainframe computer were checked. His response,
which he thought was extremely clever, was "Obviously you have me confused
with someone who gives a d***." I got the information I needed elsewhere
(from the on-duty computer operator who didn't have the responsibility to
know or answer the question, but obviously did "give a d****") but thought,
"If your manager knew your attitude, you might give a d*** about where you
were going to find another job that pays as well as the one from which your
manager just fired you."

I'm neither endorsing David's response nor condemning him for his
language, but my guess is that David is not likely to be picking
up clients from users of this newsgroup.

I don't know if I'm the "David" referred to here, but the thread is
following on a post that I made. However, it's one in which the word
"bitch" does not occur. Nor did I use the word in any of my posts in
this thread. Indeed, I strongly doubt I've ever used the word at all
in a post in the Access newgroups.

Just to be sure, I used Google Groups to check that, and, it turns
out, I've used the word a lot, but always in the sense of "bitching
about X" or "X is a bitch" and only twice in reference to an
individual. In those two posts I once used it in a conditional
sense, basically "Anyone who does respect and appreciate the
contributions of a particular person ... is an ungrateful son of a
bitch" (see
g/c5019e354ce6265e). Only once did I actually call someone
specifically "an arrogant son of a bitch"
483e1c31). I have never and would never call anyone (male or female)
a "bitch."

In the present discussion, I did call someone a moron, something I
do quite frequently. But I don't do it gratuitously -- I only get to
that point after substantial evidence has demonstrated to me that it
is warranted. Others can judge for themselves in this thread whether
or not the party so designated by me was in fact demonstrating
stupidity in his posts or not.
I don't know if I'm the "David" referred to here, but the thread is
following on a post that I made. However, it's one in which the word
"bitch" does not occur. Nor did I use the word in any of my posts in
this thread. Indeed, I strongly doubt I've ever used the word at all
in a post in the Access newgroups.

Just to be sure, I used Google Groups to check that, and, it turns
out, I've used the word a lot, but always in the sense of "bitching
about X" or "X is a bitch" and only twice in reference to an
individual. In those two posts I once used it in a conditional
sense, basically "Anyone who does respect and appreciate the
contributions of a particular person ... is an ungrateful son of a
bitch" (seehttp://groups.google.com/group/microsoft.public.access.replication/ms
g/c5019e354ce6265e). Only once did I actually call someone
specifically "an arrogant son of a bitch"
483e1c31). I have never and would never call anyone (male or female)
a "bitch."

In the present discussion, I did call someone a moron, something I
do quite frequently. But I don't do it gratuitously -- I only get to
that point after substantial evidence has demonstrated to me that it
is warranted. Others can judge for themselves in this thread whether
or not the party so designated by me was in fact demonstrating
stupidity in his posts or not.

I'm speechless.