This has always been the case. Very little is new or changed here. For
some reason, many fail to distinguish the difference between my:
1. saying that I think (or the majority of the group thinks) a type of
software isn't freeware
2. saying that I think (or the majority of the group thinks) a type of
non-freeware *is* or *isn't* on-topic.
To quote >>Q<<,
"The two questions 'Is it freeware?' and 'Is it ok to recomend in
a.c.f?' have always been separate questions, and may have different
To which I might add, "and for the same program."
John, I'm glad your position has evolved and moderated in the last few
months. Perhaps a few more on both sides will mellow as well. It
will make for an interesting test of your belief that doing so will
cause this ng to degenerate rapidly. I hope you are wrong.
Bill, my view hasn't moderated at all. I still hold pretty much the
exact same beliefs regarding freeware, what it is and what isn't
freeware. I've just given up on the F.A.Q. (but not for the reason
you'd expect, and I'll keep that to myself.)
People are going to do what they're going to do in an unmoderated
group. I'm tired of being the target of trolls and minority view
holders because I was defending the F.A.Q. In fact, here's a kind of
example of what my attitude is anymore:
My nephew refuses to quit smoking.
I've tried and tried to get him to do so and he always tells me what I
want to hear (that he's "trying real hard" to quit.)
I finally wised up to this, and told him, "It'll make me feel just
as good to live long enough to see you regret not having listened to
me as it would to see you actually do so and quit."