The number of records (rows) in the lookup table will be very small.
Probably about 20 per client. Right now there's only one client that the
system will be used with. Potentially more later. So, either way, very, very
small numbers.
So performance really isn't an issue. I'm sure I wouldn't see any difference
in looking a lookup in an open recordset vs. an array. With just a few
hundred records at most, it'll be virtually instantaneous either way.
My main concern is the drain on resources with a perpetually-open recordset
vs. a recordset that is continually opened and closed vs. (new
consideration) a perpetual array. Which one would tax resources the least?
That's my main concern.
'Access Developer' is actually answering most of your questions, but
it doesn't seem to be sticking. So perhaps it would be helpful if you
provided more details of your target domain - the clients and data
stacks involved - program and control flow, ..., then he and others
can better address specific issues with your design.
As for a "drain on resources", that is always possible with any client
application that continually opens and closes an object, and with any
object. One always runs the risk of eventual fragmentation or worse
accidently leaving a reference behind. Doesn't necessarily follow it
will occur, but it might.
Creating an Array of a fixed 'maximum' length and reusing it can
mitigate that issue.