'Art' wrote, in part:
| Now, there's some thinking outside the box! Let's say that such a
| minor and unobjectionable modification to color, brightness, contrast,
| etc., is a sure-fire way to destroy the code.
JPEG compression is 'lossy'; the image cannot be restored to the original
quality, as are other compression standards, including MPEGx, MP3, and WMF.
Think about the steganographic possibilities with MPG2 files!
Ultimately, I think the cost of defense against steganographic content is
not bearable for any but the most critical applications (and that is likely
to be hidden data, not executables.) The defense will be blocking the
decoder malware.
Consider the possibilities of broadband MPG2 content distributed on the
Internet. MPG2 compression has more dimensions than JPEG because time is
involved. More than one 'frame' of information is necessary to reconstruct
any one displayable frame. Steganography with MPEG2, for example, could
include information from more than one frame that must be combined to
retrieve the hidden message. At a certain level of complexity the
processing power to even find a recognizable signature would be prohibitive,
especially since it would have to be done in real time. Some frames could
contain information that the decoder malware could use to find the real
message. That could go to arbitrary levels - easy for the decoder malware,
very difficult to defend against. This could lead to an arms race with
offense being much cheaper than defense - a $50,000 anti-tank missile
destroys a $3,000,000 tank; a $1,000,000 missile destroys a $1,000,000,000
Analog broadcast television (and videotapes) have long had hidden
information in the vertical blanking interval. NTSC television, for
example, has 525 lines, but 42 lines are hidden, and have no picture
content. A number of these lines are available for switching signals, test
signals, closed captioning, auxiliary data services ( and other, covert uses
I am sure.)
Phil Weldon
| On Sun, 25 Jun 2006 01:25:38 GMT, "Phil Weldon"
| >'Art' wrote, in part:
| >| Well, I suppose I could modify the JPGs I have slightly and see if Bit
| >| Defender and Symantec quit alerting on them.
| >_____
| >
| >Try an image editor and change the overall 'brightness by 1%. That
| >destroy any executable hidden in a .jpg image.
| Now, there's some thinking outside the box! Let's say that such a
| minor and unobjectionable modification to color, brightness, contrast,
| etc., is a sure-fire way to destroy the code. Call your invention a
| "malware scrubber for JPGs" and peddle it

Or maybe av products
| could incorportate a scrubber feature whereby with user permission
| all JPGs on all drives are found and scrubbed. Anyone with legit
| JPG steganogrphy files could keep them on removeable media for
| safety from the scrubbing operation.
| Art
