Understandable after what you have been through scappy, but there will come a day when ...............scappy said:I don't want ot spend so much money EVER again :S
MeshVictim said:Understandable after what you have been through scappy, but there will come a day when ...............
I most certainly agree with you on the first two feckit and getting a full refund out of Mesh is an absolute nightmare, but it is possible. Mesh play serious hardball over refunds presumeably in the hope their victims will just give up and take their computers elsewhere to be sorted out.feckit said:3 facts about Mesh Computers:
Never RTB your PC
Believe they care
Or get a full refund from them!
MeshVictim said:Don't mean to pry scappy, but this girlfriend of yours doesn't happen to have a fully functional high spec desktop computer by any chance ???![]()
feckit said:A friend rings you, they are about to spend ££££ on a laptop on line, but want you advice, what do you know about a company called Mesh? Well I nearly fell of my chair! Told them to do a search of mesh on a search engine, they get this and other forums and all what’s been said
And Mesh looses a £1000+ sale!
So to those who set this forum up, thanks you saved a good friend from going insane!
llcoolg said:Hi scappy, i am glad i found u on this forum, as i have had a similar experience with MESH. I had a faulty graphics card, and a 3 year on-site warranty. I have attached a letter which i sent by special delivery to MESH today which u might like to read. i have today comenced legal proceedings agianst MESH after meeting with a solicitor and am persuing a refund. i have reported them to tradings standards, and consumer direct. I was advised to contact the magazine (PC ADVISOR) in which i seen their advert and recommendations, i have also (as much as i possibly can with my PC sitting in MESH's London base!), tried to find forums such as this 1 and have untill this point found quite a few already. try MESH own forums and Hexus for more angry customers. we have to stick together. beware of MESH loving forums and ACTUAL MESH employee's logged on as normal punters. lets be honest here, MESH does not trade fairly and they have to start, or stop trading altoghether. But we have to make sure no more ususpecting customers get stung by them.
good luck
gimme an email and let me know how u get on
(e-mail address removed)
feckit said:My experience with Mesh has been well documented on other threads, but the one thing i would say to any Mesh customers is backup all drivers for your pc, goto My Computer > C: > Drivers > and copy them to a CD-R disc. That way when your pc fails you can use the recovery disc to load the O/S and you then just do the Drivers.
Heathrow is probably the closest!llcoolg said:Hi , CITech
i get the feeling that Patel and Karim are fairly confident that i am not going to be able to pay them a visit, bcoz i am all the way up here in Glasgow. so i think they feel as if they have a free reign to lie to me over the fone coz there wont be any conseqeunces. it's a really stupid situation, bcoz it would have only taken them 10 mins to change my graphics card over, coz lets face it they had no intentions of chaaging my motherboard as well. To B fair i only had 1 experience with Karim, albeit he did try and con me, but he said he was misinformed....., but then he lied to me about gettin a 6800 ultra put in my machine so.....
P.S does any1 know which airport is closest to MESH headquarters?!