Sean Hederman
Gerry Hickman said:Hi Sean,
Sure, and with the "excellent COM interop" you outline below, it should
not be a problem to write ALL the applications in .NET
Yes, but why? Why toss all that existing code down the drain in order to
make it easier to code a product you already have?
No, it's the other way round. The hype of .NET is that it does not rely on
COM and the registry. What this thread has proved is that not only is it
inextricably linked to COM, but that Microsoft's own product teams have
been incapble (or unwilling) to migrate.
I don't know who told you that .NET was completely independent of COM, but I
don't ever remember being told that. You can write applications that don't
directly call COM, but I don't ever recall anything saying that at no point
would COM or the OS be used to perform the actual work.
It seems to me that the "real" programmers at Microsoft (flagship lines)
actually AGREE with me that C++ is still "more powerful" and "faster" than
.NET - that's all I was saying.
Not neccesarily, as noted before, they could just be unwilling to throw away
hundreds of millions of dollars of existing code. I expect you'll see more
and more products coming out with more and more .NET support. First the
API's to access them will become .NETified, and gradually so will the core.
PS. I'd like to apologize for the angry tone in my previous post. I was
irritated by something else, and took it out on you. Didn't follow my "save
and edit rule" :-(